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Student Name: Amanda Mascioli 11/12/2020
1. State the population(P):
a. Define the population.
Patients with urinary catheters constitute the population that is affected by the problems of CAUTIs (Catheter-associated urinary tract
b. Is this clinical nursing problem a priority issue for the patient population? Yes or No? Explain.
Yes, the problem of CAUTIs is a major clinical nursing problem since the care of catheterized patients is essentially a nurse’s domain
and nurses are usually responsible for providing the necessary care to these patients. Moreover, the occurrence of these infections
usually results in an increase in the nurses’ workload that reduces their level of satisfaction. This problem is a priority issue for this
patient population since the occurrence or presence of CAUTIs has negative effects on the outcomes of patients and is associated with
increased mortality, morbidities and low levels of patient satisfaction.

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2. State the intervention or issue(I):
a. Define and explain the intervention or issue.
The intervention of the EBP project would involve the utilization of a catheter care bundle, which has a high potential for reducing the
occurrence rate of these infections (CAUTIs).
b. How prevalent is the issue/problem? Explain.
CAUTIs constitute one of the most prevalent problems that affect a significant percentage of patients who have urinary catheters.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), CAUTIs constitute one of the most prevalent or widespread
healthcare-associated infections and about seventy-five percent of the urinary tract infections that occur among hospitalized patients
are linked to the presence of a urinary catheter.
3. What is the setting for this issue/problem?
The setting for this problem is mainly in the Intensive Care Unit. A huge majority of patients in the ICU usually require the use
of catheters to assist in voiding due to underlying health conditions or injuries. This offers a valid explanation why this is one
of the care settings/units where the problem is quite serious.
4. How urgent is this problem or issue (has it been researched in the past 3 years)? Yes or No. Validate your response.
This is an urgent healthcare issue or problem especially with the introduction of the new CMS rules of reimbursement, whereby

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NSG 5210: ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE NURSING CLINICAL PROBLEM AND PICOT QUESTION Student Name: Amanda Mascioli 11/12/2020 1. State the population(P): a. Define the population. Patients with urinary catheters constitute the population that is affected by the problems of CAUTIs (Catheter-associated urinary tract infections) b. Is this clinical nursing problem a priority issue for the patient population? Yes or No? Explain. Yes, the problem of CAUTIs is a major clinical nursing problem since the care of catheterized patients is essentially a nurse’s domain and nurses are usually responsible for providing the necessary care to these patients. Moreover, the occurrence of these infections usually results in an increase in the nurses’ workload that reduces their level of satisfaction. This problem is a priority issue for this patient population since the occurrence or presence of CAUTIs has negative effects on the outcomes of patients and is associated with increased mortality, morbidities and low levels of patient satisfaction. 2. State the intervention or issue(I): a. Define and explain the intervention or issue. The intervention of the EBP project would involve the utilization of a catheter care bundle, which has a high potential for reducing the occurrence rate of these infections (CAUTIs). b. How prevalent is the issue/problem? Explain. CAUTIs constitute one of the most prevalent problems that affect a significant percentage of patients who ...
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