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Colorado State University
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Running Head: SOCIAL DILEMMA 1
Social Dilemma

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Social Dilemma
Sickness is a significant health issue, and it becomes a primary social concern when it
comes to the spread possibility. Coronavirus is a major social dilemma, especially with how it
operates and the affection of the society. The spread of the disease has created a significant
scare for too many people in the world. The first cases of the disease were discovered in
China. The disease has affected many people leading to a state of low movements,
engagement, close to the social aspects that would allow the people to work together and
affection of economic elements. The spread issues come with the ease of spend. The
atmospheric and fluid ease of passing the virus has made people live indoors as they fear to
get affected, even Shaking hands. How the issue can be presented by the same people who
might spread it is the highest form of the social dilemma. Tensional situations have tried as a
result of the dilemma issues. The above is even creating more tensions in the society that
leads bans to the case of the different nations. Over 78000 people have been confirmed while
the death toll rose to a tally of 2595 people as per reports of the 25
February 2020 (Bogoch
et al., 2020).
The criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Descriptive table and payoff matrix
Using the payoff matrix, it becomes easy to find a strategy to apply (Gaspars-Wieloch,
2018). In this case, we consider two leading players. Dealing with the spread will need to take
options to either ensure less motion of the affected persons or close monitoring. With full
supervision of the affected persons, they will have to isolate to ensure that the spread of the
disease is limited. Japan closed school as a way to monitor and ensure less spread of the
disease. Close monitoring will involve monitoring those affected by the disease.

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Running Head: SOCIAL DILEMMA 1 Social Dilemma -Name Date SOCIAL DILEMMA 2 Social Dilemma Sickness is a significant health issue, and it becomes a primary social concern when it comes to the spread possibility. Coronavirus is a major social dilemma, especially with how it operates and the affection of the society. The spread of the disease has created a significant scare for too many people in the world. The first cases of the disease were discovered in China. The disease has affected many people leading to a state of low movements, engagement, close to the social aspects that would allow the people to work together and affection of economic elements. The spread issues come with the ease of spend. The atmospheric and fluid ease of passing the virus has made people live indoors as they fear to get affected, even Shaking hands. How the issue can be presented by the same people who might spread it is the highest form of the social dilemma. Tensional situations have tried as a result of the dilemma issues. The above is even creating more tensions in the society that leads bans to the case of the different nations. Over 78000 people have been confirmed while the death toll rose to a tally of 2595 people as per reports of the 25th February 2020 (Bogoch et al., 2020). The criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Descriptive table and payoff matrix Using the payoff matrix, it becomes easy to find a strategy to apply (Gaspars-Wieloch, 2018). In this case, we consider two leadi ...
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