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International Plastics Inc IT Infrastructure Review and Upgrade Recommendations

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Course Name Date      There are currently four locations of International Plastics Inc. The Wide Area Network(WAN) architecture used is star. A satellite link is used between the headquarters and China Facility. There is a WAN connection between the headquarters and the China facility is through a satellite link Current infrastructure components includes Cat 5 cables, 100baseT backbone, switches and T2 connections  Upgrade network spaces from 100Base -T to 10GBase- T with CaT6  Upgrade from T2 to OC3 .  VoIP Standardization across the infrastructure Implement additional firewalls and OC3 with VPN for higher level of security.       Upgrade Cisco 2950 switches from layer two to Cisco C3750 layer three. WAP (Wireless Access Point) for mobile devices Implementation of cloud servers Firewall on every plant LAN for printers  Security of the wireless network at the Wireless Access Point (WAP) will be achieved by using encryption protocols. These wireless sec urity protocols incl ude WEP, WPA, and WPA2. ➢ ➢ ➢ Storage Area Network Network Attached Storage Data Warehouse Cloud storage will offer backup services. Some companies that offer the service are ❖ Amazon ❖ Google ❖ Microsoft    Software as a service (SaaS) infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform as aservice (PaaS)     Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure(HTTPS) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Simple mail transfer ...
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