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SCMN 3810DC1 Drone Delivery Is a New Kind of Way of Delivery Essay

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Jinrui Dong
Alex Smith Ritenbaugh
May 24, 20201
Drone Delivery
Drone Delivery is a new kind of way to delivery the package. “The development of
autonomous drone technologies has surged in the last five years. The new rules
anticipate a commercial drone industry in the U.S., particularly for package deliveries
and last-mile logistics.” Therefore, we are able to find that drone delivery is always
used for the transportation in the short distance, and this technology still need more
time to develop. In the future, this technology will become more common in our life,
and the government need to enact some laws for the transportation for this new way
of delivery. This is because, the old law of transportation will not suit for drone
delivery. Consequently, drone delivery has begun to become better, but it still need
time to develop perfectly.
Drone Delivery has a lot benefits, like Medical Delivery, Time Savings, Able to Get
to Hard to Reach places Quickly, and Positive Public Perception. “A greater example
of this is the company Matternet, which partnered with UNICEF to do drone delivery
in Malawi with the end goal of developing low-cost delivery of blood samples from
children to be tested so medical drugs can be given to them when needed and in
time.” Because drone delivery is different from the other way of transportation, it is
able to do something that the other transportation cannot do. Although, at the present,
drove delivery just can be used for some special and important situation, in the future
it will be more common in our life. Two characteristics, will be the big advantages of
drove advantage. One is it can fly, and another is it do not need a lot of resource like
the common flight. These two characteristics made it can suit a lot of different
situation, and it do not need a lot of resources.
Drove Delivery will help us to save time, and at some situation time is life. From
some researches, drove delivery has become better, so “Drone Delivery Is One Step
Closer To Reality” “But when taken by carrier on foot or by car, he says ‘the logistics
of getting those samples across often resulted in about a 45-minute time of delivery.’
But now, with the drone? ‘We’ve seen that drop to about 10 minutes, and that’s really
door to door,’ Ginn says. ‘The actual flight time one way is about three minutes
because it’s not a long route.’” Drove Delivery will use less time than the traditional
transportation. In today’s world, people always choose the way with the less time, this
is because time is money, so the people in today’s world want to save time for
anything. Drove delivery will use the less time. It means that it will replace the other
traditional transportation in the future.
Consequently, with the development of the technology, drove delivery has become
real in the common life, and in the future, it will be the important and necessary role
of our life.

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Jinrui Dong Alex Smith Ritenbaugh SCMN-3810-DC1 May 24, 20201 Drone Delivery Drone Delivery is a new kind of way to delivery the package. “The development of autonomous drone technologies has surged in the last five years. The new rules anticipate a commercial drone industry in the U.S., particularly for package deliveries and last-mile logistics.” Therefore, we are able to find that drone delivery is always used for the transportation in the short distance, and this technology still need more time to develop. In the future, this technology will become more common in our life, and the gove ...
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