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Discussion Board 2

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Criminal Justice
Grand Canyon University
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Running Head: Discussion Board
Discussion Board
Rodi Al Qeseshaq
Grand Canyon University
May 2021

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Running Head: Discussion Board
Discussion Board 2
The initial analysis process involves the identification and analysis of crime patterns and trends
in a community. This information is important to law enforcement agencies in resource
deployment in an effective manner. It also assists the detectives to identify and apprehend
criminal suspects. We can define the process as an organized study of community disorder and
criminal problems that helps law enforcers to apprehend criminals to reduce crime as a disorder
in a community. Crime analysis also helps on crime evaluation and prevention which is done
using spatial, temporal, and sociodemographic factors. The first phase in the analysis involves
understanding the incidences and the surroundings that precede and accompany the crime
problem. The second phase involves identifying the outcome of the crime problem for the
community. In the third phase, it is important to determine the frequency occurrence of the
problem and for how long it has been happening (Singer et al, 2018). It is important to not miss
the identification phase which determines the condition that contributes to the problem. After the
identification phase narrowing the scope of the crime problem is an important step in the
analysis. After this, it is crucial to also be innovative and identify resources that might assist in
understanding the problem deeper. In summary, the analysis process involves data collection,
data collation, data analysis, data dissemination, feedback, and evaluation. One of the limitations
is that most law enforcement agencies require having sworn-in officers as analysts since they
believe they have experience and acquiring knowledge. However, the use of sworn officers does
not give officers the freedom of taking action in protecting life and property. The process
diminishes the patrol force strength and also reduces the patron time. The analysis process is not

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Running Head: Discussion Board Discussion Board Rodi Al Qeseshaq Grand Canyon University 17th May 2021 2 Running Head: Discussion Board Discussion Board 2 The initial analysis process involves the identification and analysis of crime patterns and trends in a community. This information is important to law enforcement agencies in resource deployment in an effective manner. It also assists the detectives to identify and apprehend criminal suspects. We can define the process as an organized study of community disorder and criminal problems that helps law enforcers to apprehend criminals to reduce crime as a disorder in a community. Crime analysis also helps on crime evaluation and prevention which is done using spatial, temporal, and sociodemographic factors. The first phase in the analysis involves understanding the incidences and the surroundings that precede and accompany the crime ...
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