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Public Speaking Discussion

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Public Speaking Discussion
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Public Speaking Discussion
Vital attributes for a speaker to consider during public speaking include confidence in
language and content used in delivering the message. However, a speaker may consider either
self-disclosing or not while delivering the speech, although the best decision would be not to
disclose such information to the audience. If a speaker finds it viable to admit their innate
feelings of nervousness and anxiety, he/she would say such things as; ‘I am deeply honored to be
here as this is my first time to deliver a public speech, or ‘being my first time to stand before
such a huge audience, it is my hope….’ The advantages of such a self-disclosure to the general
audience by a speaker entail creating a platform for mutual empathy and understanding by the
listeners as it prepares them for the potential for possible unintentional errors that could be
perfected with time. Such errors include those associated with speech presentation. Self-
disclosing would also confer the speaker a chance to disclose their human side, which helps in
building a rapport.
A major demerit of the speaker’s self-disclosing includes risking a damaged reputation,
especially for the audience who held high esteem for the speaker. Besides, it risks putting the
audience in a difficult situation, particularly when they identify more elements that they were
previously comfortable with. As already postulated, the speaker may choose not to say anything
that is self-disclosing to the audience. Some studies depict the need for failure to disclose a
speaker’s nervousness to the audience (Sprecher et al., 2016). This is because acknowledging the
anxiety feelings might comfort the speaker but cannot help the audience to comprehend and act
upon the speech’s significant points. Hence, it does not help achieve a speech’s primary goal.

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Running head: PUBLIC SPEAKING DISCUSSION Public Speaking Discussion Student’s Name Course Institutional Affiliation Instructor Date 1 PUBLIC SPEAKING DISCUSSION 2 Public Speaking Discussion Vital attributes for a speaker to consider during public speaking include confidence in language and content used in delivering the message. However, a speaker may consider either self-disclosing or not while delivering the speech, although the best decision would be not to disclose such information to the audience. If a speaker finds it viable to admit their innate feelings of nervousness and anxiety, he/she would say such things as; ‘I am deeply honored to be here as this is my first time to deliver a public speech, or ‘being my first time to stand before such a huge audience, it is my hope….’ The advantages of such a self-disclosure to the general audience by a speaker entail creati ...
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