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Roles In Advanced Practice Nursing

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Chamberlain College of Nursing
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Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing
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Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing
Patient care is a priority for every nurse, no matter what their position is. When it comes to
delivering direct patient care, nurses who are registered nurses (RNs) are the ones who do the
work. All of these tasks are carried out by nurses as a result of their education and experience.
Patients' treatment plans will be created by an advanced practice nurse (APN), who will also
supervise other medical professionals. With the support of other advanced practitioners, APNs
may ensure that the patient's treatment plan is substantial and successfully addresses the patient's
In addition to diagnosing and treating illness, physicians also provide insight into health
issues, manage chronic illnesses, and contribute to educational advancement (American Nurses
Association, n.d.). As a new APN, you'll need to make the shift from newbie to expert during the
course of your career. That's because clinical experience and knowledge are intertwined
(Hernandez, 2019). To make the move from one career to the next easier, having more developed
clinical skills is a must. An APN's job, the rationale for picking CNP duties, my clinical practice
ambitions, and my transition from RN to NP role will be discussed in this paper.
Four APN Roles
APNs have developed a wide range of abilities over the years, many of which are focused
on improving the health care system. Anesthesiologists, midwives, clinical nurse specialists, and
nurse practitioners are all regulated by the APRN model of regulation (CNP). In order to do these
activities, each of these positions requires a worker to undertake specific training. Graduate-level
education and certification from relevant health care regulatory agencies are required to achieve
this goal. CRNAs administer anesthetic before medical operations, for example. Obtaining this

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1 Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Student's Name Institution Course Name Instructor Date 2 Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Patient care is a priority for every nurse, no matter what their position is. When it comes to delivering direct patient care, nurses who are registered nurses (RNs) are the ones who do the work. All of these tasks are carried out by nurses as a result of their education and experience. Patients' treatment plans will be created by an advanced practice nurse (APN), who will also supervise other medical professionals. With the support of other advanced practitioners, APNs may ensure that the patient's treatment plan is substantial and successfully addresses the patient's needs. In addition to diagnosing and treating illness, physicians also provide insight into health issues, manage chronic illnesses, and contribute to educational advancement (American Nurses Association, n.d.). As a new APN, you'll need to make the shift from newbie to expert during the course of your career. That's because clinical experience and knowledge are intertwined (Hernandez, 2019). To make the move from one career to the next easier, having more developed clinical skills is a must. An APN's job, the rationale for picking CNP duties, my clinical practice ambitions, and my transition from RN to NP role will be discussed in this paper. Four APN Roles APNs have developed a wide range of abilities over the years, many of which are focused on improving the health care system. ...
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