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Wells fargo setting the stagecoach thundering again case solution

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Wells Fargo Assess John Stumpf’s Tenure as CEO  Bank overcame 2007/08 financial crisis  Acquired Wachovia at a bargain price  Created synergies between Wachovia’s extensive network in the NE and Wells Fargo dominance in West  Wells Fargo ROA and ROE exceeded that of competitors  Stock price was twice that of S&P 500  Significant escalation in market capitalisation  Expansion of locations  Reputation in reliability and customer service  Ranks as one of the most admired companies globally Cross-selling  Economic Rationale  Increase customer reliance on firm  Decreases likelihood of customer switching to other firms  Appropriateness of strategy  Enhanced depth of customer relationships  Contribution to success  Worked well during post-recession period  Cause of trouble  Increasing difficulty in realizing higher ratios  Increased competition from commercial banks  Intensified scrutiny thru Dodd-Frank Act  Establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Role of Incentives & Quotas in success     Positively affect employee motivation  Important among lower level employees  Statistical evaluation of customer loyalty and satisfaction Management  Desire for higher earnings  Strong focus on pay for performance initiatives Experience  Bank became over-aggressive in implementing cross-selling strategy  Creation of unnecessary accounts ...
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