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The Model By Guy De Maupassant 2

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The Model by Guy de Maupassant
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The Model by Guy de Maupassant
The Model by Guy de Maupassant is a story of contrasting themes, mainly, guilt,
remorse, pity, love, and letting go, bringing into question whether Jean truly loves Josephine.
Jean feels guilty for causing Josephine’s current state, after opening the window and telling
her to jump out. The argument started when Jean stated that he was going to marry someone
else, but Josephine would not take it, prompting her to threaten to kill herself. Jean regrets
that were it not for his actions, whereby he told her to go ahead and commit suicide,
Josephine would still be the attractive, graceful model she once was (The Literature Network,
n.d.). Jean also feels a sense of remorse, regret, pity, and responsibility over the decision he
took, which is the main reason he decided to marry Josephine despite her crippled state. At
the same time, the story presents the issues of love and letting go, bringing out ethical
dilemma. Jean does not love Josephine, because were it not for her current physical
condition, he would have gone ahead and married someone else. Indeed, the narrator
indicates that artists, just like Jean, fall in love with multiple women, who do not stick around
because of their questionable reputation (The Literature Network, n.d.). While Josephine does
not want to let go of Jean because she loves him, her actions could be driven by a hidden
agenda. Her expression of love is questionable because it is perceived that Josephine’s
willingness to kill herself is accompanied by the use of lies, manipulation, and emotional
appeal to win back Jean’s affection. The story is intriguing because the conflicting themes
present the ethical issue of true love.
My analysis supports the implications of the author’s conclusion. None of the
characters is happy with their current state, with Jean having been forced to marry Josephine
out of guilt, pity, and remorse. On the other hand, Josephine is trapped in a dysfunctional
marriage only because she believes she loves Jean. Upon reflecting on both sides of the story,
I feel that the relationship between the two characters is filled with deception on the part of

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1 The Model by Guy de Maupassant Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Course Name Due Date 2 The Model by Guy de Maupassant The Model by Guy de Maupassant is a story of contrasting themes, mainly, guilt, remorse, pity, love, and letting go, bringing into question whether Jean truly loves Josephine. Jean feels guilty for causing Josephine’s current state, after opening the window and telling her to jump out. The argument started when Jean stated that he was going to marry someone else, but Josephine would not take it, prompting her to threaten to kill herself. Jean regrets that were it not for his actions, whereby he told her to go ahead and commit suicide, Josephine would still be the attractive, graceful model she once was (The Literature Network, n.d.). Jean also feels a sense of remorse, regret, pity, and responsibility over the decision he took, which is the main reason he decided to marry Josephine despite her crippled state. At the same time, the story presents the issues of love and letting go, bringing out ethical dilemma. Jean does not love Josephine, because were it not for her current physical condition, he would have gone ahead and married someone ...
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