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Mkt2203 internat marketing lecture 5 social media marketing

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Chapter 5 Social media marketing We’re excited about the potential of social media marketing! It’s one of the biggest opportunities in marketing we’ve seen for years. But, if it’s ad hoc or unmanaged, it won’t be fully effective and can even be damaging. It definitely cannot be ignored and warrants its own strategy. That’s why we’ve devoted a separate chapter showing you how to create a structured plan for social media marketing. 1 5.1 What is social media marketing and why is it important? Social media is the term commonly given to Internet and mobile-based channels and tools that allow users to interact with each other and share opinions and content. As the name implies, social media involves the building of communities or networks and encouraging participation and engagement. (CIPR, 2011) Social media encourage audience participation, interaction and sharing. Social media marketing Focuses on social media to achieve marketing objectives Protecting and extending the brand 2 5.1 What is social media marketing and why is it important? Figure 5.1 Social media marketing radar Source: Chaffey and Sosomworth (2012) 3 5.1 What is social media marketing and why is it important? The Forrester POST methodology (2007) Developing a social media strategy for businesses People Understanding the adoption of social media by an audience. Objectives Setting goals for different options to engage customers across the customer lifecycle from customer acquisition t ...
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