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C programing pps

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Unformatted Attachment Preview GE6151-COMPUTER PROGRAMMING UNIT –I INTRODUCTION Generation and Classification of Computers- Basic Organization of a Ccmputer -Number System -Binary - Decimal - Conversion - Problems. Need for logical analysis and thinking - Algorithm - Pseudo code - Flow Chart. LECTURE NOTES GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS The Zeroth Generation The term Zeroth generation is used to refer to the period of development of computing, which predated the commercial production and sale of computer equipment. The period might be dated as extending from the mid-1800s. In particular, this period witnessed the emergence of the first electronics digital computers on the ABC, since it was the first to fully implement the idea of the stored program and serial execution of instructions. The development of EDVAC set the stage for the evolution of commercial computing and operating system software. The hardware component technology of this period was electronic vacuum tubes. The actual operation of these early computers took place without be benefit of an operating system. Early programs were written in machine language and each contained code for initiating operation of the computer itself. This system was clearly inefficient and depended on the varying competencies of the individual programmer as operators. The First Generation, 1951-1956 The first generation marked the beginning of commercial computing. The first generation was characterized by high-speed vacuum tube as the ac ...
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