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Forensic Science And Cyber Crime.edited 1

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Criminal Justice
California Coast University
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Forensic Science and Cyber Crime
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Software pirating is one of the most challenging things within the software industry as
companies and individuals lose a significant amount of revenue following these acts. Software
pirating refers to the unauthorized duplication of computer software (Martinez et al., 2018). The
cost of preventing these further increases as managers use a high amount of money to prevent
pirating. A lot of research conducted revolves around the ned user. However, an end-user can only
make a copy of the software after a cracker attack and interferes with the software in question. One
of the motivations towards pirated materials is the inadequacy and the limitation of accessing
legitimate software. Personal gain aspects are also other reasons that motivate one into pirating
materials. The anonymity element also contributes to the use and making of pirated materials as
perpetrators hardly get caught, and as such, they do not feel the adverse effect the same has on
others. Crackers perceive themselves as "helpers" as they feel they are aiding those with limited
access to a particular software to access the same (Martinez et al., 2018). There is prove that pirates
earn no money from their activities; instead, they view their undertakings as social experience
triggered by competition and the entertainment bit to spread pirated products.
A real-life example is Golden Arcade in Hong Kong, with numerous shops that sell CD-
ROM titles for as low as $10 each. At first instance, they come up as legitimate, but in a real sense,
they are counterfeit. Counterfeit materials do not only exist in the far east, in the United States, but
classified adverts are also well known for their unrestrained counterfeit materials. There are several
attempts by the SIIA to stop those selling counterfeit software. SIIA has put measures in place,
such as programs to identify the notorious sellers of pirated materials on sites such as eBay,
Amazon amongst others. These perpetrators get sued for their infringement practices and are
expected to pay a monetary penalty.

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Running head: FORENSIC SCIENCE AND CYBERCRIME Forensic Science and Cyber Crime Name Institutional Affiliation 1 COMPUTER FORENSICS AND CYBER CRIME 2 Software pirating is one of the most challenging things within the software industry as companies and individuals lose a significant amount of revenue following these acts. Software pirating refers to the unauthorized duplication of computer software (Martinez et al., 2018). The cost of preventing these further increases as managers use a high amount of money to prevent pirating. A lot of research conducted revolves around the ned user. However, an end-user can only make a copy of the software after a cracker attack and interferes with the software in question. One of the motivations towards pirated materials is the inadequacy and the limitation of accessing legitimate software. Personal gain aspects are also other reasons that motivate one into pirating materials. The anonymity element also contributes to the use and making of pirated materials as perpetrators hardly get caught, and as such, they do not feel the adverse effect the same has on others. Crackers perceive themselves as "helpers" as they feel they are aiding those wi ...
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