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HUM 111 Class Notes UOP

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DQ 4
How can being open to cricism help you solve problems in your daily life?
By being open to cricism in life can really help you. It is the way people know when something is good,
bad, right, or wrong. For example, when people make the $lm, there are always people who end up
talking about it. They let people know if the movie was good or bad. Then they begin to explain what
was good or bad about it. These people may not realize it, but they are really crical. They say their own
opinion on things crics. When people cricize it really helps many people. They le( the majors know
what the movie was terrible, and even let the music industry know this album was not good. This allows
these companies try to solve the problem so it will not happen again. If we have problems in their own
crical life can help in several ways. For example, this post I write not be good enough for some people.
This may lead them to cricize my work. Among those who cricize, I can see they have a problem with
and try to solve it. Personally, I am open to cricism and let them cricize everything I do. It helps me to
learn from its mistakes and somemes helps me prove them wrong.
Week 7 All DQs1

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DQ 4 How can being open to criticism help you solve problems in your daily life? By being open to criticism in life can really help you. It is the way people know when something is good, bad, right, or wrong. For example, when people make the film, there are always people who end up talking about ...
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