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HUM 111 Class Notes UOP

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DQ 3
Many people argue unrealisc standards of beauty as set through celebries and the media is a real
problem for our society. Men and women are inuenced by media to strive for idealisc versions of
perfecon. How could you help someone who is struggling with low self-esteem and sense of self-worth
to see, through crical thinking, beyond the messages they are bombarded with on a daily basis?
The way media and celebries set unrealisc beauty standards can really hurt someone's self-esteem. It
makes people feel like they are ugly and not beauful at all. I know from experience because my cousin
is facing this problem. She thinks it is not pre(y, and claims to be very bold. Currently, the average
weight for their age and is very beauful. The way it is bombarded by the media and celebries really
bring your self-esteem. Self-esteem reects the view people have of themselves and how they assess
their own personality. It is also the component of personality. It includes people both posive and
negave self-assessments are given. It focuses on our views of how we feel about ourselves. Someone
who might be struggling with low self-esteem should try to make the most self-e*cacy. Self-e*cacy is
the belief in their own abilies. To have greater self-e*cacy, will feel good about yourself. This can make
your self esteem to go higher and do not make you feel dimensions. They must see that everyone is
di+erent and not to believe everything that the portraits of the media. Having a direct reinforcement and
encouragement from others to help develop high self-esteem. Personally, I believe, the family support to
help those in low self-esteem. Having family support always makes you feel good about themselves,
which will help to increase self-e*cacy and self-esteem.
Week 7 All DQs1

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DQ 3 Many people argue unrealistic standards of beauty as set through celebrities and the media is a real problem for our society. Men and women are influenced by media to strive for idealistic versions of perfection. How could you help someone who is struggling with low self-esteem and sense of sel ...
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