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HUM 111 Class Notes UOP

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DQ 1
When oversimplifying, complex matters may be misrepresented and
distorted. How can you find and overcome oversimplifications in your
Oversimplification is often found in reasoning about causes and effects.
Simplifying a complex reality to understand it better can help communicate it
more clearly to others. After simplification goes too far it can do business
complex is distorted. He did stop the representation of reality and disguise.
Some statements may contain an element of truth. But they did not fairly or
accurately represent reality. For example, the recession is right now mainly
attributed to improper spending. Our government to spend money on a wrong
way is what leads to it. This statement, however, covers only one thing that is
wrong spending. It's not appropriately reflect both sides of cause and effect.
This is what causes the simplification of the message. To find these
simplifications, you should look at the causes and effects. You should also ask
what are the important aspects of the issue are ignored. Many statements
contain an element of truth, but there are just focusing on a cause or effect. It
will focus on two of them to represent them well. To correct simplifications
decide what reflects reality without distortion. This will help you find and
correct the simplifications. Remember that there is something wrong with
simplification. The only problem is to oversimplify that causes all distortness.

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DQ 1 When oversimplifying, complex matters may be misrepresented and distorted. How can you find and overcome oversimplifications in your arguments? Oversimplification is often found in reasoning about causes and effects. Simplifying a complex reality to understand it better can help communicate ...
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