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Business communication test

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Which of the following is a question that you need to answer to successfully analyze your
A. What is the main concern of the presentation?
B. Who are the key players?
C. Will I be standing and presenting the slides?
D. How quickly can I complete the presentation?
The question-and-answer session with the audience during your presentation __________
A. helps you build your credibility by demonstrating your expertise and openness
B. does not allow you to deflect or address your audience's criticism
C. undermines and trivializes the important parts of your presentation
D. does not allow you to emphasize and expand on important points
For most business presentations, the main message should __________.
A. not include a solution to the problem discussed in the presentation
B. lead your audience to the intended outcome
C. not highlight what the audience will gain from the presentation
D. take the presenter's rather than the audience's point of view
Rosie includes detailed text of her speech for a presentation on slides so that she can use it
as her "speaking script." This is __________.
A. a good idea, as this will give her the fluency required for the presentation
B. a good idea, as white spaces on slides are undesirable
C. a poor idea, because this layout will let the audience know what she is going to say in advance
D. a poor idea, since the audience can absorb more if the slides contain less information
A slide master __________.

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A. is a word processing tool
B. enforces consistency in your visual elements
C. saves you time but runs the risk of inconsistent formatting
D. is useful as it allows you to cut and paste the formatting from one slide to the next
Which of the following would be the most effective way to begin a presentation on
implementing a new training program?
A. Our current training system is not up to par.
B. Are you aware that our training system is outdated?
C. Three out of five employees are not sufficiently prepared for their jobs by our current training
D. Training is very important to the success of our company.
The more specific your objective, __________
A. the more time it will take to create an effective presentation
B. the longer your presentation will need to be to be effective
C. the easier it will be to create an effective presentation
D. the less persuasive your presentation will be
__________ help you see the big picture of a presentation before you get too involved with
creating individual slides.
A. Animations
B. Storyboards
C. Slide decks

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Which of the following is a question that you need to answer to successfully analyze your audience? A. What is the main concern of the presentation? B. Who are the key players? C. Will I be standing and presenting the slides? D. How quickly can I complete the presentation? The question-and-answer session with the audience during your presentation __________ A. helps you build your credibility by demonstrating your expertise and openness B. does not allow you to deflect or address your audience's criticism C. undermines and trivializes the important parts of your presentation D. does not allow you to emphasize and expand on important points For most business presentations, the main message should __________. A. not include a solution to the problem discussed in the presentation B. lead your audience to the intended outcome C. not highlight what the audience will gain from the presentation D. take the presenter's rather than the audience's point of view Rosie includes detailed text of her speech for a presentation on slides so that she can use it as her "speaking script." This is __________. A. a good idea, as this will give her the fluency required for the presentation B. a good idea, as white spaces on slides are undesirable C. a poor idea, because this layout will let the audience know what she is going to say in advance D. a poor idea, since the audience can absorb more if the slides contain less information A slide master __________. A. is a word processing tool B. en ...
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