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Los Angeles Pierce College
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The first big idea from the reading is that Charlotte Forten dedicated her time and
resources to teach freed slaves during the Reconstruction Period. It was an opportunity for Forten
to enhance anti-slavery activism, and she would later grow to become one of the most renowned
abolitionists in the country. The willingness to teach freed slaves is an illustration of her overall
dedication to ensuring that there is the achievement of equality in society. As such, Forten used
the advantage of being born in a wealthy family to enhance her role in fighting for the rights of
active slaves and those that had been freed.
Secondly, the reading argues that Forten was a liberator. Her aim was to ensure that color
and race were not used as a strategy for dividing people into inferior and superior groups. As
such, Forten wanted to ensure that power was used evenly in America to ensure that blacks were
never denied their critical rights and privileges. Forten was against the way whites used power to
crush and even degrade blacks while also creating an inhumane society. She had a perception
that education would help the freed slaves to redefine their intellectual capability and ensure they
became a superior race.
Work Cited
The American Yawp website: “Charlotte Forten Teaches Freed Children in South Carolina,

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The first big idea from the reading is that Charlotte Forten dedicated her time and resources to teach freed slaves during the Reconstruction Period. It was an opportunity for Forten to enhance anti-slavery activism, and she would later grow to become one of the most renowned abolitionists in the co ...
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