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Resource Based View RBV Analysis in Kraft Foods Company

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Trident University International
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Resource Based View (RBV) Analysis in Kraft Foods Company

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Resource Based View (RBV) analysis in Kraft Foods Company
Step one: Resources in Kraft Foods Company
Physical resources
Kraft Foods Company has an advance of physical resources. These resources are
meant for production and creation of a sustainable environment of productivity. Within the
notion of productivity, Kraft Foods Company benefits from the resources since they offer the
company a positive strength or capability to perform in the market. Increase in the amounts of
resources translates to increase in productivity within the organization. Therefore, fullness of
resources within the company has fostered its existence and strength of productivity in the
market. Physical resources are the tangible facets that are used in production. For instance,
the company relies on manufacturing structures, tools, and transportation mechanisms like
trucks. These tangible resources are of immense assistance when it comes to productivity
within the organization.
The physical resources give the company strength of productivity. The availability of
the resources enables the company to have opportunities of increased production through the
opposite of the matter is a weakness and a threat to continued productivity.
Financial resources
Financial resources are categorical of the monetary strengths within Kraft Foods
Company. Many resources are financial in nature within Kraft Foods Company. For instance,
manufactured food materials are financial resources since they can be converted into money.
They are strengths to increased productivity within the organization. Financial resources offer
the organization an opportunity to increase production by venturing into new mechanisms of
production. These resources hold the capability of the organization to continue production
and trading in the market. Therefore, depletion of financial resources is a threat to the general
performance of Kraft Foods Company. Kraft Foods Company has not exemplified a stable

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Running Head: INTERNAL ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS Resource Based View (RBV) Analysis in Kraft Foods Company Name Institution Date 1 INTERNAL ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS 2 Resource Based View (RBV) analysis in Kraft Foods Company Step one: Resources in Kraft Foods Company Physical resources Kraft Foods Company has an advance of physical resources. These resources are meant for production and creation of a sustainable environment of productivity. Within the notion of productivity, Kraft Foods Company benefits from the resources since they offer the company a positive strength or capability to perform in the market. Increase in the amounts of resources translates to increase in productivity within the organization. Therefore, fullness of resources within the company has fostered its existence and strength of productivity in the market. Physical resources are the tangible facets that are used in production. For instance, the company relies on manufacturing structures, tools, and transportation mechanisms like trucks. These tangible resources are of immense assistance when it comes to productivity within the organization. The physical resources give the company strength of productivity. The availability of the resources enables the company to have opportunities of increased production through the opposite of the matter is a weakness and a threat to continued productivity. Financial resources Financial resources are categorical of the monetary strengths within Kraft Foods Company. Ma ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
