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Computer Science
Nova Academy of Cosmetology
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COVERPAGE WEB VULNERABILITY Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Instructor Date INTRODUCTION • • • • • Web vulnerability is a weakness or misconfiguration in a website Similarly, it can imply code that allows; Attacker to gain some level of control of the site or;Hosting server Most web vulnerabilities occurs through automated means, such as vulnerability scanners and botnets • When such vulnerabilities occur, they cause ➢ Data loss (Breach) ➢ Hacking VULNERABILTIES • The chosen three vulnerabilities are; 1. Injection Flaws 2. Cross site scripting 3. Security misconfiguration Injection Flaws ❖ Occurs from a classic failure to filter untrusted input ❖ Thus, unfiltered data is passed into servers (Kalman) Cross site scripting ❖ Occurs due to widespread input sanitization failure VULNERABILITIES Cross site scripting ❖ Occurs due to widespread input sanitization failure ❖ An attacker gives your web application JavaScript tags on input ❖ Failure to give proper sanitation users browser will execute it Example: Crafting a link and persuading user to click on it Security misconfiguration ❖ Defined as failure to implement all the security controls for a server or web application and; ❖ Implementing the security controls, but doing so with errors (Khalid et al., 2018). WHY THESE WERE CHOSEN • This web vulnerabilities were chosen because; • They are easy to control but are always difficult to identify • Accounts for the top 10 we ...
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