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Keele University
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(a) Give the valence electron count and metal oxidation states for complexes 1
- 3
1. F3P=2e
= 4e
Cr = 6e
Oxidation State of Cr= +4 so total oxidation state is +4
2. 2CO= 4e-
2 tBu=4e-
Propene= 2e-
Os = 22e-
Total= 32 e-
Oxidation state= +2
3. Ph= 2e-
PPh2= 2e-
Cl= 2e-
Ph-O= 2e-
Hf= 18e-
Total= 26 e-
Oxidation state=+4
(b) Complexes 4 and 5 both decompose with evolution of gas at room temperature.
Analysis by mass spectrometry reveals that the gas released by 4 has a molar mass

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ASSIGNMENT Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Institute Dated 1. (a) Give the valence electron count and metal oxidation states for complexes 1 -3 1. F3P=2e= 4e=2eCr = 6e- Total=14eOxidation State of Cr= +4 so total oxidation state is +4 2. 2CO= 4e2 tBu=4ePropene= 2eOs = 22eTotal= 32 eOxidation state= +2 3. Ph= 2ePPh2= 2eCl= 2ePh-O= 2eHf= 18eTotal= 26 eOxidation state=+4 (b) Complexes 4 and 5 both decompose with evolution of gas at room temperature. Analysis by mass spectrometry reveals that the gas released by 4 has a molar mass of 44 g mol-1 while the gas released by 5 has a molar mass of 42 g mol-1. Using appropriate reaction schemes, identify the decomposition processes, explain the difference in reactivity between 4 and 5, and show all decomposition products. propane is released from complex 4 and propene released from complex 5 (c) (i) Complete the missing reagents and products 6, 7 and 8 for the following reaction scheme 6. 7. 2-cholropropane and ylide reagent 8. (ii) At room temperature, the 1H NMR spectrum of complex 9 (above) contains a total of 6 resonances. At -100 °C, 11 resonances can be observed. Justify this observation. At higher temperature, the rate of rotation about the bond is high. So, two methyl group having same environment givre same signal. Hence, we get 6 H NMR signals. While at low temperature like -100 degree celcius, the rotation about bond is low so two methyl groups having same environment give different spectrum and we ge ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
