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Competition In Fast Food Industry In The Us

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Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
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Competition in fast food industry in the US
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Competition in fast food industry in the US
The fats-food industry in the US has experienced robust growth in the recent past due to
emergence of many fast-food restaurants in the country. Analysis done on the firms has shown
various weaknesses and strengths. The two major competitors in the food industry in the US are;
Chick-Fil-A and McDonald’s restaurants.
Chick-Fil-A is the main player in the industry with the highest revenues compared to the
competitors. They derive their competitive advantage from their ability to satisfy customers to
the full (Specpage, (2021). They have registered a higher customer satisfaction all along which
has enabled them to attract a larger percentage of the market (Gremont A. 2016). McDonalds on
the other hand has had an influential impact in the market having acquired a substantive market
share. The main strategy used by McDonald’s to establish themselves in the market is by
offering competitive prices of their products. This is McDonald’s main source of competitive
advantage. Customers find their products favorable and a good percentage ed up being loyal
There are current issues facing the fast-food industries. One of the issues include contribution of
the restaurants in the social aspects of life. For example, Chick-Fil-A has experienced some
backlash in the past. The restaurant is noted for its strong connection to its founder's Southern
Baptist views. It is a private family managed business and every Sundays they shut operations
due religious beliefs. In some time, CEO Dan Cathy sparked controversy by vocally opposing
homosexual marriage (Handley, L. 2020). The firm has not responded to the recent Supreme
Court ruling leg. This issue has an impact in their business because they are somehow

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1 Competition in fast food industry in the US Student’s name Institution Tutor Course Date 2 Competition in fast food industry in the US The fats-food industry in the US has experienced robust growth in the recent past due to emergence of many fast-food restaurants in the country. Analysis done on the firms has shown various weaknesses and strengths. The two major competitors in the food industry in the US are; Chick-Fil-A and McDonald’s restaurants. Chick-Fil-A is the main player in the industry with the highest revenues compared to the competitors. They derive their competitive advantage from their ability to satisfy customers to the full (Specpage, (2021). They have registered a higher customer satisfaction all along which has enabled them to attract a larger percentage of the market (Gremont A. 2016). McDonalds on the other hand has had an influential impact in the market having acquired a substantive market share. The main strategy used by McDonald’s to establish themselves in the market is by offering competitive prices of their products. This is McDonald’s main source of competitive advantage. Customers find their products favorable and a good percentage ed up being loyal customers. There are current issues facing the fast-food industries. One of the issues include contribution of the restaurants in the social aspects of life. For example, Chick-Fil-A has experienced some backlash in the past. The restaurant is noted for its strong connection to its founder ...
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