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The Cost Of Doing Nothing

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The high cost of doing nothing

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The high cost of doing nothing
1. Summarize the quantitative data presented in the article by recapping in a cohesive
narrative the many numbers and statistics on the impact of both poor and sound
leadership on the various elements.
Statistics show that many executive personnel understand the importance of solid
leadership but don't take the urgency in improving the leadership in those organizations because
they deem the current standards are enough. Hence, they cannot achieve their goals. According
to The Ken Blanchard Companies, firms lose up to 1 million dollars in the potential that was not
tapped due to poor leadership practices (The Ken Blanchard Companies, 2009). This, therefore,
shows that there is an enormous space for companies to improve and achieve their potential
through the development of leaders that can inspire followers to perform highly and remove
barriers that make it hard for employees to achieve high productivity. According to the McBassi
& Company co-founder Laurie Bassi, firms with leaders can remove obstacles, inspire followers,
give positive feedback, share data with employees, and encourage new ideologies outperforming
those firms whose leaders ignore these essential leadership skills. According to The Ken
Blanchard Companies white paper, the growth of offices with the leadership skills Laurie Bassie
outlined showed a growth rate of up to 60% up to 130% compared to those who didn't apply
those leadership skills. In the paper, we also see a dissection of the study carried on 1000
companies by Mark Huselid, which showed a relationship between employee outcomes like
productivity, turnover, and financial performance to good workplace practices. A similar study
conducted by Proudfoot consulting through a survey on 1300 companies showed that most firms'
productive work time is only 57%. The huge junk of time wasted can be attributed to poor

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Running head: THE HIGH COST OF DOING NOTHING The high cost of doing nothing Name Institution 1 THE HIGH COST OF DOING NOTHING 2 The high cost of doing nothing 1. Summarize the quantitative data presented in the article by recapping in a cohesive narrative the many numbers and statistics on the impact of both poor and sound leadership on the various elements. Statistics show that many executive personnel understand the importance of solid leadership but don't take the urgency in improving the leadership in those organizations because they deem the current standards are enough. Hence, they cannot achieve their goals. According to The Ken Blanchard Companies, firms lose up to 1 million dollars in the potential that was not tapped due to poor leadership practices (The Ken Blanchard Companies, 2009). This, therefore, shows that there is an enormous space for companies to improve and achieve their potential through the development of leaders that can inspire followers to perform highly and remove barriers that make it hard for employees to achieve high productivity. According to the McBassi & Company co-founder Laurie Bassi, firms with leaders can remove obstacles, inspire followers, give positive feedback, share data with employees, and encourage new ideologies outperforming those firms whose leaders ignore these essential leadership skills. According to The Ken Blanchard Companies white paper, the growth of offices with the leadership skills Laurie Bassie outlined showed ...
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