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Quality management class lectures_82041000-Quality-Management-and-Environment-and-Sustainability-1

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IILM Institute For Higher Education Module Manual: Quality Management and Environment and Sustainability Academic Year: PGP/ 2010-2012 Introduction To The Course And Module Objective Quality is first and foremost about meeting the needs and expectations of customers. It is important to understand that quality is more than a product simply "working properly". Think about your needs and expectations as a customer when you buy a product or service. These may include performance, appearance, availability, delivery, reliability, maintainability, cost effectiveness and price. Think of quality as representing all the features of a product or service that affect its ability to meet customer needs. If the product or service meets all those needs - then it passes the quality test. If it doesn't, then it is sub-standard. As the title of the course suggests Quality management is concerned with controlling activities with the aim of ensuring that products and services are fit for their purpose and meet the specifications. Producing products of the required quality does not happen by accident. There has to be a production process which is properly managed. Ensuring satisfactory quality is a vital part of the production process. Similarly from banking to automotive service providers, retailers to translation agencies, the issues of customer focus, efficiency and quality are central to the delivery of services. Risk related considerstions have also become increasingly important as compani ...
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