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Simple Gateways Stakeholder Solutions

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Request for Proposal Response: Stakeholder Solutions
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Request for Proposal Response: Stakeholder Solutions 1
Simple Gateways has initialized proposal/s for the development of an expanded
networking infrastructure in which minimizing time consuming human functions is a main
objective. Their proposal is seeking to contract with a comprehensive and competent
organization with a creditable track record in streamlining dysfunctional networking functions
that severely hinder a productive business process. Within their proposal, Simple Gateway Inc.
has expressed concerns regarding a number of challenges that compromise the integrity of
transferring identifiable personal information through traditional methods, accessing resources
and updating current files within 12 regional offices has become problematic, as well as some
outdated HR functions. In addition to such networking improvement considerations, it is also
recommended that Simple Gateway Inc. and their potential contracting partner/s discuss
improvements implications of the proposed technological solution and performance differences
and the impact it will have on key stakeholders.
Key Stakeholders
Who are these key stakeholders and how will the proposed networking improvements
affect each interested party? The proposal will affect some stakeholders more than others;
however, the results will create time management resources within the organization and
minimize client response timeframes which are inhibiting growth and competitiveness. Proposal
response/s should identify key stakeholders such as federal/state/local regulators, potential
investors/Board Members, customers, as well as the employees and how the proposal will allow
Simple Gateway Inc. To overcome their current challenges (Norm Smallwood, 2014). In
addition to addressing challenging concerns, the proposal response should also address

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Running head: Request for Proposal Response: Stakeholder Solutions Request for Proposal Response: Stakeholder Solutions You’re Name You’re Professor’s Name You’re Course Title Current Date Request for Proposal Response: Stakeholder Solutions Summary Simple Gateways has initialized proposal/s for the development of an expanded networking infrastructure in which minimizing time consuming human functions is a main objective. Their proposal is seeking to contract with a comprehensive and competent organization with a creditable track record in streamlining dysfunctional networking functions that severely hinder a productive business process. Within their proposal, Simple Gateway Inc. has expressed concerns regarding a number of challenges that compromise the integrity of transferring identifiable personal information through traditional methods, accessing resources and updating current files within 12 regional offices has become problematic, as well as some outdated HR functions. In addition to such networking improvement considerations, it is also recommended that Simple Gateway Inc. and their potential contracting partner/s discuss improvements implications of the proposed technological solution and performance differences and the impact it will have on key stakeholders. Key Stakeholders Who are these key stakeholders and how will the proposed networking improvements affect each interested party? The proposal will affect some stakeholders more than others; however, t ...
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