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Rasmussen University
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Running head: NUR3643 PROPOSAL 1
NUR3643 Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal
Your Name
Rasmussen College
Author Note
This paper is being submitted on (Date), for (Instructor Name) NUR3643 Research and
Theory Course.

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NUR3643 Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal
A research proposal will be implemented to assess whether the program reduces
readmission rates for 30 days. Within 30 days, Medicare will cut the hospital's reimbursement
for readmissions. Action will be taken to reduce readmissions to encourage quality care through
the Iowa evidence model. A review of the literature found a successful 30-day readmission
reduction strategy implemented and implemented by many companies. The organization
conducts a pilot study to determine if cardiovascular registration decreases readmission rates for
30 days. A retrospective analysis to assess the results is comparable to the pilot study.
Practice Issue
In March 2010, President Obama passed the Act on Accessible Care. In the 30 days after
heart failure discharge, Hospitals with high patient recovery rates will be affected by this act.
The cost estimated for these 30 days of Medicare receptions to recipients is over $1 billion
annually. How do you reduce readmission rates? Heart insufficiency is the primary reason why
heart insufficiency patients can be rehospitalized with a 40 percent readmission rate for heart
failure patients. By 2030, cardiac failure is estimated to be $70 billion per year in health care. If
the hospital recovery rate for cardiovascular failures is above the national average, Medicare
reduces its reimbursement by 1 percent (Fowler, 2019). This may look like a small percentage,
but medical reception for heart failure can cost around 2 billion dollars a year. The hospital can
decrease the cardiovascular failure retrieval rate and save money by performing a high-quality
post-discharge training or heart failure program. Through continuity of healthcare and promoting
a safe transfer of patients from a hospital to a homeland, a heart failure program can provide
several services to avoid preventable readmission. After telephone discharge, medical suppliers
contact patients is one of the efficient ways of reducing costs for readmission. A study reveals a

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Running head: NUR3643 PROPOSAL 1 NUR3643 Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal Your Name Rasmussen College Author Note This paper is being submitted on (Date), for (Instructor Name) NUR3643 Research and Theory Course. NUR3643 EVIDENCE-BASED PROPOSAL 2 NUR3643 Research and Theory Evidence-Based Proposal A research proposal will be implemented to assess whether the program reduces readmission rates for 30 days. Within 30 days, Medicare will cut the hospital's reimbursement for readmissions. Action will be taken to reduce readmissions to encourage quality care through the Iowa evidence model. A review of the literature found a successful 30-day readmission reduction strategy implemented and implemented by many companies. The organization conducts a pilot study to determine if cardiovascular registration decreases readmission rates for 30 days. A retrospective analysis to assess the results is comparable to the pilot study. Practice Issue In March 2010, President Obama passed the Act on Accessible Care. In the 30 days after heart failure discharge, Hospitals with high patient recovery rates will be affected by this act. The cost estimated for these 30 days of Medicare receptions to recipients is over $1 billion annually. How do you reduce readmission rates? Heart insufficiency is the primary reason why heart insufficiency patients can be rehospitalized with a 40 percent readmission rate for heart failure patients. By 2030, cardiac failure is estimated to be $70 billi ...
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