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Parolees; Plans for the Correctional Center

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Plans for the Correctional Center
The plan to erect a Day reporting Center in Simpli City in Nimbi is a great idea in helping
bring correctional and rehabilitation of ex-jailers to fit into the community. The facilities in plan for
the rehabilitation center are grand, as they will help build the community even further. A selected
school is to be renovated to suitability, where the parolees will receive their counseling, substance
abuse and mental treatment. .In the proposition of this idea to the locals of the area, there will be
oppositions due to various factors.
Objections Expected
Many people will dread the influence of the adamant drug addicts’ influence on their
children. Since it is a public area, especially with its stature as a former school, children are likely to
visit the place often. As a result, many parents may reject the proposal.
Programmatic precautions to ensure practitioners and parolees in the community benefit.
The parolees will be indulged in fun and interesting sessions that are educative and will help
them get along within the community. After the sessions, they will be expected to integrate easily
with the community and make their contribution.
Practitioners will get a chance to influence the lives of people who really need them. The
practitioners will get to select their own schedules with the parolees to suit themselves.

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The community will benefit from the facility in such a way that there will be lesser instances
of crime expected. Once rehabilitation is complete, the victims tend to take a new life outside crime,
which is a plus for the community.
The advantages of home confinement, shock or boot camps is that the parolees and drug
addicts are put together in a closed space, which hastens their process of recovery (Advisory)
because they do not get a chance to easily mingle with other addicts.The disadvantage is that, if they
are rehabilitated in isolation from the society, they will find it hard fit into society.

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University Student's Name Date of Submission Instructor Plans for the Correctional Center The plan to erect a Day reporting Center in Simpli City in Nimbi is a great idea in helping bring correctional and rehabilitation of ex-jailers to fit into the community. The facilities in plan for the rehabilitation center are grand, as they will help build the community even further. A selected school is to be renovated to suitability, where the parolees will receive their counseling, substance abuse and mental treatment. .In the proposition of this idea to the locals of the area, there will be oppositions due to various factors. Objections Expected Many people will dread the influence of the adamant drug addicts' influence on their children. Since it is a public area, especially with its stature as a former school, children are likely to visit the place often. As a result, many parents may rejec ...
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