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French verbs author kent porter

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French Verbs 3/2/12 1:44 PM French Language Share French Verbs Conjugations for hundreds of French verbs This French verb encyclopedia includes more than 1,200 French verbs conjugated into all of the simple tenses. If the verb you need to conjugate is not listed, remember that you can guess the conjugation pattern of many verbs by looking at the root. For example, admettre is conjugated like mettre. Simply click on a verb for conjugations, special features, verb lessons, common idiomatic expressions, and more. Before you start, please read this: There are patterns in French verb conjugations - most French verbs share a conjugation pattern with one or more other verbs. If you would like to improve your verb conjugations, it's a good idea to get used to using verb models - to look at a verb, such as parler, and be able to use that as a model to conjugate chanter. See my other verb encyclopedia for verb conjugations using models. The translations given below are not exhaustive - they are simply to get the main idea of the verb across. Consult a dictionary for complete definitions. Verbs: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A H abaisser - to lower habiller - to dress abandonner - to abandon habiter - to live abasourdir - to daze, bewilder habituer - to accustom s.o. abattre - to knock down harceler - to harass abîmer - to ruin haïr - to hate abolir - to abolish haleter - to pant abonner - to subscribe hanter - to haunt aborder - to approa ...
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