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Importance Of Efficient It Disaster Recovery

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Importance of Efficient IT Disaster Recovery
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Importance of Efficient IT Disaster Recovery
Businesses operate in overly uncertain conditions. While a business can minimize its risk
and exposure from internal parameters, there is very little to avert incidents emanating from the
external environment. Whether an incident stems internally or externally, it often carries a risk to
the business. The degree of risk can determine whether or not the business recovers from the
setback and how long it takes to restore the routine operations (Prasetyo, 2019). Business
environments have become increasingly competitive and saturated. Each business is constantly
on a quest to identify gaps in the market and niches it can exploit to bolster its competitive
advantage. The cut-throat competition means that business entities have minimal ‘allowance’ for
setbacks and inefficiencies. A prolonged absence of a business from the market could spell doom
as the competitors rise quickly to occupy their position and draw customers. Despite the level of
preparedness, disasters such as fires, floods, and hurricanes are inevitable and often have a
profound adverse impact on business continuity.
The same applies to the information technology industry. Despite the numerous advances
in cybersecurity tools, strategies, and redundancies, firms cannot possibly attain absolute security
against external attacks. Cyberattacks will almost always exist. Businesses must embrace this
reality and formulate strategies and approaches to mitigate against losses arising from such
attacks (Prasetyo, 2019). The uncertain circumstances through which businesses must maneuver
and prevail necessitates disaster recovery planning. According to Chakraborty and Chowdhury
(2020), disaster recovery (DR) is a strategic process of restoring a predetermined baseline level
of functionalities before the disaster. DR requires the organization to promptly execute a
predetermined set of delegated activities (Chakraborty and Chowdhury, 2020). The effectiveness

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1 Importance of Efficient IT Disaster Recovery Student Name Institution Course Name Instructor Name Date 2 Importance of Efficient IT Disaster Recovery Businesses operate in overly uncertain conditions. While a business can minimize its risk and exposure from internal parameters, there is very little to avert incidents emanating from the external environment. Whether an incident stems internally or externally, it often carries a risk to the business. The degree of risk can determine whether or not the business recovers from the setback and how long it takes to restore the routine operations (Prasetyo, 2019). Business environments have become increasingly competitive and saturated. Each business is constantly on a quest to identify gaps in the market and niches it can exploit to bolster its competitive advantage. The cut-throat competition means that business entities have minimal ‘allowance’ for setbacks and inefficiencies. A prolonged absence of a business from the market could spell doom as the competitors rise quickly to occupy their position and draw customers. Despite the level of preparedness, disasters such as fires, floods, and hurricanes are inevitable and often have a profound adverse impact on business continuity. The same applies to the information technology industry. Despite the numerous advances in cybersecurity tools, strategies, and redundancies, firms cannot possibly attain absolute security against external attacks. Cyberattacks will almost always e ...
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