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Chapter 9: Product Strategy
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Chapter 9: Product Strategy
Question 1
From the case, the interviewee's view was very naïve. It is not accurate to assume that
marketing consumer food products are no different from marketing for a large academic medical
center. There are several reasons why the interviewee's view can be classified as a very timid view.
Foremost, marketing products produced and distributed by large consumer food product firms
target different customers or different population groups (Berkowitz., 2017). Different population
groups have a different ways of life and how they perceive advertisements. The best way to appeal
to different population groups is to come up with marketing strategies that best fit the targeted
population. In this regard, it is fair to argue that the interviewee's view was timid.
Also, the properties of the products marketed by large consumer firms are very different
from those marketed by a large academic medical center. In order to enhance customer appeal, the
best marketing techniques are used for every product. More often than not, the best marketing
technique for one product may be ineffective for a different product. A large academic medical
center markets its services, while a large consumer food product firm markets the food products
that they sell to their customers (Bauman, McFadden, & Jablonski, 2018). As such, it is naive to
claim that marketing a food product is no different than marketing a hotel, airline, or hospital.
Question 2
There are different ways in which health care marketing is similar to marketing other
products or services. Foremost, both health care marketing and marketing for other products are
similar because they all aim at attracting new customers. When doing health care marketing, the
aim is to attract more individuals to buy the services offered. Likewise, marketing for other
products or services aims at attracting more customers. Also, health care marketing and marketing

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1 Chapter 9: Product Strategy Student's Name Institution Affiliation Course Date 2 Chapter 9: Product Strategy Question 1 From the case, the interviewee's view was very naïve. It is not accurate to assume that marketing consumer food products are no different from marketing for a large academic medical center. There are several reasons why the interviewee's view can be classified as a very timid view. Foremost, marketing products produced and distributed by large consumer food product firms target different customers or different population groups (Berkowitz., 2017). Different population groups have a different ways of life and how they perceive advertisements. The best way to appeal to different population groups is to come up with marketing strategies that best fit the targeted population. In this regard, it is fair to argue that the interviewee's view was timid. Also, the properties of the products marketed by large consumer firms are very different from those marketed by a large academic medical center. In order to enhance customer appeal, the best marketing techniques are used for every product. More often than not, the best marketing technique for one product may be inef ...
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