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Trade Unions Case Study

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Case Study
Trade Unions
Imtiaz Azam

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What role do trade unions play and why has trade union membership fallen in
the UK?
Trade Union is mainly comprised of workers and one of the chief purposes of these unions is to
work for the interest of its members. Many trade unions across the globe are independent but still
many of them tries to manage relationships with employers. Sometimes, a partnership agreement
is signed between the employer and trade union to meet their common objectives and interests.
Some major roles of these trade unions which they are playing in the UK on a large scale are as
Change in working conditions and the workplace environment
Address the grievances of members in meetings and disciplinary committees
Legal and Financial advice is provided to the members
Education facilities and other insurance benefits are made sure for the members
Major concerns of employees are discussed and addressed with the help of employers
Matters related to pay and other compensations are discussed by the Trade unions
Recognition of trade unions by the employers is sometimes done on voluntary grounds while the
other times it is done with the assistance of Labour Relations Agency. In case, if the agreement is
failed to reach between the union and employer and the number of employs have been exceeded
than 20 then the relevant union might apply for the statutory recognition. However, in case of
failure on this front, the trade union can apply for the Industrial court. Many of the workers join
the trade unions for better-negotiated pay, improved safety and health conditions at the Job site,
for the learning of new skills, and sometimes for general guidance and support (NiDirect, 2019).
Membership of trade unions has dropped to lowest as 275,000 members lost their membership”,
reported Alexandra Topping in The Guardian. The major reasons behind loss of membership were
reported to have low-quality jobs, reduction in public sector workforce and the exponential rise of
the digital economy (Bryson, 2007). The department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
reported that the conservative party’s austerity measures in the UK lead to shrinking of
membership. Recent reports suggest that membership of union fell by 209,000 in the government
sector while the private firms shed almost 66,000 members. Many of the employers in the UK
hire temporary staff and do not rely on the recruitment of permanent staff which led to precarious

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3/19/2020 Case Study Trade Unions Imtiaz Azam [COMPANY NAME] What role do trade unions play and why has trade union membership fallen in the UK? Trade Union is mainly comprised of workers and one of the chief purposes of these unions is to work for the interest of its members. Many trade unions across the globe are independent but still many of them tries to manage relationships with employers. Sometimes, a partnership agreement is signed between the employer and trade union to meet their common objectives and interests. Some major roles of these trade unions which they are playing in the UK on a large scale are as under: • Change in working conditions and the workplace environment • Address the grievances of members in meetings and disciplinary committees • Legal and Financial advice is provided to the members • Education facilities and other insurance benefits are made sure for the members • Major concerns of employees are discussed and addressed with the help of employers • Matters related to pay and other compensations are discussed by the Trade unions Recognition of trade unions by the employers is sometimes done on voluntary grounds while the other times it is done with the assistance of Labour Relations Agency. In case, if the agreement is failed to reach between the union and employer and the number of employs have been exceeded than 20 then the relevant union might apply for the statutory recognition. However, in case of failure on this fr ...
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