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Fetal Pig Anatomy

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Harper College
Bio116: Fundamentals of Organismal Biology
Lab 11Fetal pig (Vertebrate) anatomy
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Identify external body regions and body structures on the fetal pig
Distinguish between male and female pigs using external and internal anatomical features
Identify structures within the oral cavity and neck on the fetal pig
Identify organs within the thoracic cavity on the fetal pig
Identify organs within the abdominal cavity on the fetal pig
Identify structures and components of a four-chambered mammalian heart
In your study of various animal phyla, you have examined structural features that differ between
different animal phyla. Prior to this lab all organisms you have investigated were invertebrates,
animals without vertebrae (backbones). In this lab you will investigate vertebrate anatomy using a
fetal pig as a model organism. Vertebrates have vertebrae (backbones) and all belong to the
Phylum Chordata. Pigs specifically belong to Class Mammalia within the chordate phylum, like us
humans. As such, in this lab you will notice several structural similarities between fetal pigs and
humans, many of which suggest homology.
Remember, there are four features that define members of Phylum Chordata: 1) a notochord, 2) a
dorsal hollow nerve cord, 3)pharyngeal slits and 4) a post anal tail. Within the pig some of these
features have become modified or reduced in size as the pig develops through the embryonic stage
to the fetal stage, eight weeks after fertilization, and so may no longer be visible in an older fetal pig.
Like other members of the Class Mammalia, pigs have hair and mammary glands that produce milk.
Exercise 1: External Anatomy
To help you navigate through this lab exercise, please consult with the virtual pig dissection website
hosted by Whitman College at:
Using the website above, click on the section marked “Anatomical References” and then
navigate through the sections marked below to examine external regions on the pig:
o Regions of the pig
o Anterior and posterior
o Dorsal and ventral
o Medial and lateral
Watch this video that goes through the external anatomy of a pig:
1. How does the anterior region of a pig differ from the anterior region on a human?
In the pig, the anterior region is the head while the ventral region is the belly side. In human
anatomy, the anterior region is also the ventral region which is the belly/stomach side; the
head of the human is more of in the superior side.

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