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Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
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Question 1
Diabetes is one of the current serious chronic infection affecting the highest population
across the world. Diabetes is an infection that occurs when an individual's blood glucose is higher
than the recommended position. Blood glucose or blood sugar is the significant source of energy
obtained from food that an individual eats. The insulin hormone produced by the pancreas helps
the glucose obtained from food to get in the blood cells to be used as energy for effective body
functioning. Diabetes infection is classified into two stages, namely, type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The existing differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes include; under type 1 diabetes the
body affects found in the pancreas, which prevents the production of insulin, while in type2
diabetes, the body is unable to generate adequate insulin or the produced insulin doesn't work
effectively. The second difference is that there are no clear causes of type-1 diabetes while type 2
diabetes is connected to various risk factors such as unhealthy weight, race and ethnicity, family
history and inactivity (Mayer-Davis et al., 2017).
The other difference is that type 1 diabetes can be controlled through taking insulin to
manage the blood sugar. In contrast, type 2 diabetes can be controlled using different measures,
including medication, a healthy diet, and exercise. Also, individuals having type 2 diabetes can be
prescribed insulin to help in controlling the infection. The other difference is that type 1 diabetes
consists of episodes of low blood sugar, while in type 2 diabetes, the events of lower blood sugar
are not common, but they may occur when one is taking insulin or other diabetic medication.
Another difference is that type 1 diabetes is not easily preventable, whereas, type 2 diabetes can
successfully be prevented through a healthy diet, healthy weight and being physically active
(Dabelea et al., 2017).
Question 2

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1 Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Your name Instructor’s name Course Date of submission 2 Question 1 Diabetes is one of the current serious chronic infection affecting the highest population across the world. Diabetes is an infection that occurs when an individual's blood glucose is higher than the recommended position. Blood glucose or blood sugar is the significant source of energy obtained from food that an individual eats. The insulin hormone produced by the pancreas helps the glucose obtained from food to get in the blood cells to be used as energy for effective body functioning. Diabetes infection is classified into two stages, namely, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The existing differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes include; under type 1 diabetes the body affects found in the pancreas, which prevents the production of insulin, while in type2 diabetes, the body is unable to generate adequate insulin or the produced insulin doesn't work effectively. The second difference is that there are no clear causes of type-1 diabetes while type 2 diabetes is connected to various risk factors such as unhealthy weight, race and ethnicity, family history and inactivity (Mayer-Davis et al., ...
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