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Week 5 Discussion For Class.edited

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Argosy University
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Week 5 Discussion
Institution Affiliation

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Week 5 discussion for class
There is great controversy over whether a patient will be able to retain or choose
his or her doctors with the advent of the PPACA. In addition, many existing plans are
being ruled as incompatible with the requirements of the PPACA and discontinued or
canceled as a result. Explore and explain whether the patients will be able to continue
with their physicians and the rationale behind the plan cancelation. Additionally,
identify the effect of expanding state Medicaid roles and the impact it has upon cost and
non-reimbursable care
The patient protection and affordable care act (PPACA) is the legislation in the
healthcare sector that will improve the number of patients covered with the health insurance
covers (Jaqua & Jaqua, 2019). the advent of PPACA has served as one of the controversial topics
in the US since deciding whether the patients can choose or retain their doctors has not
succeeded in realizing the intended objectives. It will be relatively challenging for the patients
insured under the various insurance plans to continue with their physicians (Gearhart &
Michieka, 20200. The current changes have required that patients update their insurance details
and ensure that they choose a doctor proximal to them. Although some patients will have a
chance to retain their doctors, the shortage of primary care physicians and the current economic
constraints will raise the medical cost that the patients will have to pay.
Although the PPACA works through the physician reimbursements, it will introduce the
provisions on the quality concerns that may result in a high negative impact on patient care
(Coffron & Zlatos, 2019). The adjustments methods on the physical reimbursements gave the
physicians a chance to make notable changes to the practices meant to address the health

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1 Week 5 Discussion Name Institution Affiliation Course Date 2 Week 5 discussion for class There is great controversy over whether a patient will be able to retain or choose his or her doctors with the advent of the PPACA. In addition, many existing plans are being ruled as incompatible with the requirements of the PPACA and discontinued or canceled as a result. Explore and explain whether the patients will be able to continue with their physicians and the rationale behind the plan cancelation. Additionally, identify the effect of expanding state Medicaid roles and the impact it has upon cost and non-reimbursable care The patient protection and affordable care act (PPACA) is the legislation in the healthcare sector that will improve the number of patients covered with the health insurance covers (Jaqua & Jaqua, 2019). the advent of PPACA has served as one of the controversial topics in the US since deciding whether the patients can choose or retain their doctors has not succeeded in realizing the intended objectives. It will be relatively challenging for the patients insured under the various insurance plans to continue with their physicians (Gearhart & Michieka, 20200. The cur ...
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