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Needs Assessment for Strategic Plan

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Needs Assessment for Strategic Plan
Law enforcemnt in the United States continues to be a troublesome function
characterized by excessive bureaucracy, underfunding, and disjointed collaboration between the
agencies. In the city of Portland, the police department is experiecing similar challenges that
intefere with service delivery. Police officers in this department have been operating with limited
oversight and dissaray particualrly in the long-term plans. Formulating and implementing a
strategic plan will address most of the inherent challenegs affecting the Portland Police
Needs Assessment
Several studies have painted a negative picture of Portland when it comes to crime
prevention and law enforcement. The Portland area is very expansive and therefore, it is
necessary to come up with a general set of requirements that can meet the needs of the police
department. In terms of ratings, Portland is Oregon’s third most dangerous city. While the state is
generally safe compared t the remaining cities, it is by far the most expansive and dangerous.
These statistics released by Federal Buraeau of Investigation indicate that the region is rife with
diverse crimes. There is a continuous rate of crime reported in the city with property crime being
the most common crime such as arson, grand theft auto, and extortion. In most of these crimes,
the perpetrators rarely attack the owners (Prenzler et al., 2016). Within Portland, the second
commonest crime is robbery with violence. While these are all shortcomings on the part of the
police, other departments within the government such as social services are equally below
standard in Portland. Sevice providers and shelters offer the basic alteratives for homless people

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Running head: NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR STRATEGIC PLAN Needs Assessment for Strategic Plan Name: Institution: 1 NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR STRATEGIC PLAN 2 Needs Assessment for Strategic Plan Introduction Law enforcemnt in the United States continues to be a troublesome function characterized by excessive bureaucracy, underfunding, and disjointed collaboration between the agencies. In the city of Portland, the police department is experiecing similar challenges that intefere with service delivery. Police officers in this department have been operating with limited oversight and dissaray particualrly in the long-term plans. Formulating and implementing a strategic plan will address most of the inherent challenegs affecting the Portland Police Department. Needs Assessment Several studies have painted a negative picture of Portland when it comes to crime prevention and law enforcement. The Portland area is very expansive and therefore, it is necessary to come up with a general set of requirements that can meet the needs of the police department. In terms of ratings, Portland is Oregon’s third most dangerous city. While the state is generally safe compared t the remaining cities, it is by far the most expansive and dangerous. These statistics released by Federal Buraeau of Investigation indicate that the region is rife with diverse crimes. There is a continuous rate of crime reported in the city with property crime being the most common crime such as arson, grand theft auto, and ext ...
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