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Childhood Trauma

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Childhood Trauma

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Part One
Emotional and physical trauma may be experienced by children who undergo terrible
external experiences. If left unaddressed, these experiences may result in significant
consequences on the development trajectory of the child. Children undergo trauma in various
forms which may include; physical or psychological harm to the child’s physical or emotional
health, and the child’s sense of safety or that of a significant other person in the child’s life.
Developmental and complex trauma is the most common form of trauma experienced by
children. It involves several incidents of consistent abuse or neglect which usually happen in the
primary care setting. Other sources of trauma may be the separation of children from family
members, and their removal from their homes as a result of abuse or neglect. Such children may
undergo traumatic transitioning process. It is essential that children are offered sufficient support
during this transition to eliminate feelings of depression, isolation, cognitive issues, difficulties
forming attachments and guilt. Multiple placement of the child in various places may further
worsen the traumatic effects of the child’s removal from home. This paper explores the effects of
childhood trauma on the experiences of the child throughout his or her life. It considers the
various challenges associated with childhood trauma among the children who experience them,
and presents trauma informed care as an effective intervention for building resilience among
survivors. It highlights how trauma informed care can be integrated in social service work when
dealing with the affected population.
The development trajectory of a child is significantly undermined by traumatic
experiences. Development is cumulative and thus traumatic experiences in a particular
development phase significantly impacts the subsequent phases. Survivors of childhood trauma

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Running Head: CHILDHOOD TRAUMA 1 Childhood Trauma Name: Institution: Instructor: Date: 2 CHILDHOOD TRAUMA Part One Introduction Emotional and physical trauma may be experienced by children who undergo terrible external experiences. If left unaddressed, these experiences may result in significant consequences on the development trajectory of the child. Children undergo trauma in various forms which may include; physical or psychological harm to the child’s physical or emotional health, and the child’s sense of safety or that of a significant other person in the child’s life. Developmental and complex trauma is the most common form of trauma experienced by children. It involves several incidents of consistent abuse or neglect which usually happen in the primary care setting. Other sources of trauma may be the separation of children from family members, and their removal from their homes as a result of abuse or neglect. Such children may undergo traumatic transitioning process. It is essential that children are offered sufficient support during this transition to eliminate feelings of depression, isolation, cognitive issues, difficulties forming attachments and guilt. Multiple placement of the child in various places may further worsen the traumatic effects of the child’s removal from home. This paper explores the effects of childhood trauma on the experiences of the child throughout his or her life. It considers the various challenges associated with childhood traum ...
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