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Enrique S Journey Essay Final

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Name: Section Number: TA: Paper Title: Immigration: Its Effect and Role in the Relationship of a Child and a Mother The book by Sonia Nazario entitled, “Enrique’s Journey”, opens one’s eyes to what immigrant mothers have to go through and experience in their lifetime just to be able to provide for their loved ones. The same goes with that for their children who risk everything just to be reunited with their mothers, even after long years of waiting. The story in Nazario’s book exhibits the journey of Enrique as a child who longs for his immigrant mother, and so he takes the courage to venture into the challenges of travel on unfamiliar grounds. Why do these families have to experience this kind of separation, loneliness, and danger, just to be able to sustain a life they dream would be for the benefit and security of their future? Would earning money as immigrants be enough to sustain or replace the love and bonding that a child and mother could have? Without the presence of a mother, a child at a very young age would likely be hurt and could not properly comprehend why their parents would have to leave; on the other hand, a mother without the presence of their child by t ...
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