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Arab Open University
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Running head: LITERATURE 1
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Question one
Unlike in normal societies where people celebrate others for being obedient, disobedience
in the Northern Lights by Pullman is the one that is being celebrated. The Northern Lights novel
shows and talks about disobedience differently from what many see it to be.
There are several resources to why disobedience is in this era that the novel represents is
celebrated, some of these reasons are; people in the novel viewed obedience as an act of slavery,
and from time to time when individuals were disobeying, it was seen as a sign of standing up for
themselves and owning their or being fully responsible for everything they do (Bakri, 2019).
Therefore, disobedience in this novel is celebrated as it is a way of people freeing themselves from
any form of dictatorship.
Also, disobedience in Pullman's Northern Lights novel is a form of brevity and self-
redemption. From the novel, disobedience is celebrated as it is the path to new inventions or big
ideas. Most individuals in the Northern Lights novel who disobey are all inquisitive. In search of
answers, and despite the efforts made by their friends and elders to stop them from accomplishing
what they target, they fight on to finally find information or make new inventions from collected.
In the novel, for example, Lyra is very curious about the activities going on, such as the person
responsible for kidnapping children and seeing the master trying to poison Lord Asriel. Doing the
things she was told not to and going to places she was told were off limit made her save lives and
discover other important things.
Disobedience can be seen as one of the worst vices, but one can conclude that disobeying
sometimes is for the right course from the novel. The first thought in people's minds about
disobedience is the many destructive consequences resulting, which is not the case sometimes, as

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Running head: LITERATURE 1 Literature Name Institutional Affiliation LITERATURE 2 Question one Unlike in normal societies where people celebrate others for being obedient, disobedience in the Northern Lights by Pullman is the one that is being celebrated. The Northern Lights novel shows and talks about disobedience differently from what many see it to be. There are several resources to why disobedience is in this era that the novel represents is celebrated, some of these reasons are; people in the novel viewed obedience as an act of slavery, and from time to time when individuals were disobeying, it was seen as a sign of standing up for themselves and owning their or being fully responsible for everything they do (Bakri, 2019). Therefore, disobedience in this novel is celebrated as it is a way of people freeing themselves from any form of dictatorship. Also, disobedience in Pullman's Northern Lights novel is a form of brevity and selfredemption. From the novel, disobedience is celebrated as it is the path to new inventions or big ideas. Most individuals in the Northern Lights novel who disobey are all inquisitive. In search of answers, and despite the efforts made by their friends and elders to stop them from accomplishing what they target, they fight on to finally find information or make new inventions from collected. In the novel, for example, Lyra is very curious about the activities going on, such as the person responsible for kidnapping children and seeing the mas ...
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