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Algebra mixture problems

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Only to be used for arranged hours, will count as two activities Math 31 Activity # 13 “Solving Mixture Problems” Your Name: ___________________ Solving Word Problems: The Cohort Strategy! Step 1) Read the problem at least once carefully. Look for key words and phrases. Determine the known and unknown quantities. Let x or another variable to represent one of the unknown quantities in the problem. Step 2) If necessary, using the same variable from Step 1, write an expression using the to represent any other unknown quantities. Step 3) Write a summary of the problem as an English statement. Then write an equation based on your summary. Step 4) Solve the equation. Step 5) Check the solution. Ask yourself "Is my answer reasonable?" Step 6) Write a sentence to state what was asked for in the problem, and be sure to include units as part of the solution. (inches, square feet, gallons, ounces, etc., for example). Only to be used for arranged hours, will count as two activities Task 1) Percent Mixture Problems Example 1: How many gallons of a 15% sugar solution must be mixed with 5 gallons of a 40% sugar solution to make a 30% sugar solution? Begin by creating a drawing of the situation and filling in the known information, as shown below. Amount of Solution + ___ gallons = + Concentration (Percents) ___ Amount of Ingredient in Mixture = ____ + ____ = Now we must decide how to represent the unknown quantities. Since the question is asking us to find the number of gal ...
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