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Cns introduction

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CNS INTRODUCTION  Parkinson’s disease: ↓ Dopamine (relatively ↑ Acetylcholine)  Depression: ↓ Serotonin, ↓ NA  Schizophrenia: ↑ Dopamine INTRODUCTION  Nearly all drugs with CNS effects act on specific receptors that modulate synaptic transmission.  A very few agents such as general anesthetics and alcohol may have nonspecific actions on membranes, but even these non–receptormediated actions result in demonstrable alterations in synaptic transmission. CNS  Cerebrum  Subcortical region Thalamus  hypothalamus Mid brain  •  Hind brain Pons  Medulla  cerebellum   Spinal cord CEREBRUM  Frontal cortex  Parietal lobe  Temporal lobe  Occipital lobe SUBCORTICAL REGION  Thalamus  act as relays between incoming sensory pathways and the cortex  Hypothalamus  The hypothalamus is the principal integrating region for the autonomic nervous system and regulates body temperature, water balance, intermediary metabolism, blood pressure, sexual and circadian cycles, secretion from the adenohypophysis, sleep, and emotion.  Limbic system  Limbic system-The limbic system is an archaic term for an assembly of brain regions (hippocampal formation, amygdaloid complex, olfactory nuclei, basal ganglia, and selected nuclei of the diencephalon) grouped around the subcortical borders of the underlying brain core.  Pons – motor & sensory control, consciousness & sleep  Medulla- breathi ...
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