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Discussion: Leadership Roles and Skills
Course Code:
January 23, 2020

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According to the leadership assessment activity, it is clear that I am highly ready for
leadership since I scored a 96. I am in agreement with the findings since the position I hold is
an entry level one. Some of the leadership traits I possess include effective communicator
since I am in a position to properly explain problems and their solutions, and I also know
when it’s time to listen. The second trait is being self-motivated in the sense that I am will to
do more than what is expected of me so as to reach the goals and objectives of my
organization. Thirdly, I am people oriented and this is because of the fact that I am able to
form a team culture and involve others when making decisions on issues.
Currently, I am working in the administration department. At the moment I work with
five other department assistants. Our role mainly is to create unity and ensure that processes
are running smoothly in all the departments. High administrators and my supervisors are
always asking for reports and also opinions on what should be done to improve the services
that are being dispensed. According to Dubrin (2019), it is clear that one can rise to become a
leader especially when one’s opinions and personal characteristics are valued and respected
because this is an indicator that they are influenced by you. This has been my case over the
last one year because my supervisor and other administrators ask for my opinion based on the
knowledge and skills I have on administrative affairs.
The biggest strength I have from the skills building exercise is communication and
collaboration. For instance, the position I hold currently requires me to work closely with all
the departments to ensure smooth running. I am reminded of this one time the department had
issues when it came to submitting documents, and I worked closely with other departments to
find out which would be the best way for all the departments to submit the documents easily.
After several suggestions were made I talked to my supervisor so that he could weigh in on

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Running head: DISCUSSION: LEADERSHIP ROLES AND SKILLS Discussion: Leadership Roles and Skills Name: Affiliation: Course Code: Instructor: January 23, 2020 1 DISCUSSION: LEADERSHIP ROLES AND SKILLS 2 According to the leadership assessment activity, it is clear that I am highly ready for leadership since I scored a 96. I am in agreement with the findings since the position I hold is an entry level one. Some of the leadership traits I possess include effective communicator since I am in a position to properly explain problems and their solutions, and I also know when it’s time to listen. The second trait is being self-motivated in the sense that I am will to do more than what is expected of me so as to reach the goals and objectives of my organization. Thirdly, I am people oriented and this is because of the fact that I am able to form a team culture and involve others when making decisions on issues. Currently, I am working in the administration department. At the moment I work with five other department assistants. Our role mainly is to create unity and ensure that processes are running smoothly in all the departments. High administrators and my supervisors are always asking ...
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