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Data Analysis And Visualization

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university of campbellsville
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Data Analysis and visualization
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Formulating an effective brief for any data presentation is a crucial part of a project,
whether formal or informal. The process and presentation techniques play a vital role in supporting
user interests and understanding, inspiring user interests as well as achieving the goals and
objectives of the presenter. Since data is variable, which means it changes with time, an effective
presentation and briefing should comprise of important aspects such as history, prevailing trends
as well as the future expectations concerning a certain product or project (Kirk, 2016). This is
because the audience is interested in data interpretation, rather than the raw data itself. Therefore,
formulating your brief for a data presentation is vital.
Formulating an effective brief requires the implementation of various techniques. Creating
an attractive presentation through the selection of the appropriate color, fonts and diagrams such
as charts and analyzing the interests of your client or the audience is an effective technique to
implement. Keep your presentation short and sweet. Moreover, using more visual diagrams rather
than text to explain your data presentation is crucial (Brodeur & Jadon, 2018).
The above-outlined techniques are associated with various advantages. For instance, a short
presentation will enable your audience to capture the important aspect of the presentation and will
not lose concentration. The client or the audience will have a better understanding of your data
through visual interpretation. Also, the outlined methods will enable the presenter to deliver the
anticipated information effectively. On the other hand, these methods are also linked to some
disadvantages. For example, some clients prefer a presentation with a lot of written text rather than
visual diagrams. Furthermore, a short presentation might leave some of the client’s questions
unanswered, thus leading to dissatisfaction.

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DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION Data Analysis and visualization Student Name Institution Affiliation 1 DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION 2 Formulating an effective brief for any data presentation is a crucial part of a project, whether formal or informal. The process and presentation techniques play a vital role in supporting user interests and understanding, inspiring user interests as well as achieving the goals and objectives of the presenter. Since data is variable, which means it changes with time, an effective presentation and briefing should comprise of important aspects such as history, prevailing trends as well as the future expectations concerning a certain product or project (Kirk, 2016). This is because the audience is interested in data interpretation, rather than the raw data itself. Therefore, formulating your brief for a data presentation is vital. Formulating an effe ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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