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placenta acts as, excretion, HUMAN REPRODUCTION agan of Respiration, Notsition for foetus blastomeres is called a monula (Figure 3. le). The morala continues to divide and transforms into blastocyst (Figure 3.11g as it moves further into the uterus. The blastomers in the blastocyst are arranged into an outer layer called trophoblast and an inner group of cells attached to phoblast called the inner cell mass, The trophoblast layer then gets attached to the endometrium and the inner cell mass gets differentiated as the embryo. After attachment, the uterine cells divide rapidly and covers the blastocyst. As a result, the blastocyst becomes embedded in the endometrium of the uterus (Pigare 3.11h). This is called Implantation and it leads to pregnancy. 3.6 PREGNANCY AND EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT After implantation, Inger like polections appear on the tosboblast called chorionic villi which are surrounded by the uterine tissue and maternal blood. The chorionic vill and uterine tissue become interdigiated with each other and jointly form a structural and functional unit between orkoping embryo ortus and maternal body called placenta Foue 3.12 The placenta facilitate the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo and also removal of carbon dioxide and excretory/waste materials produced by the embryo. The planta is connected to the embryo through an umb@ical cord which helps in the transport of substances to and from the embryo. Placenta also acts as an endocrine tissue and produces CHEMENT 7mca FOL mo ...
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