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SOC-480 Data Collection and Analysis Rubric
In this section of the assignment, you will analyze existing data to support your research question and hypothesis. Use Table 12.3 in
the textbook to assist you with completing this assignment. Remember, you are looking for a gap in services provided and a
project/program solution as to how your proposal will fill that gap in services.
You will need to analyze the data you collected by using this worksheet. Use the five articles you analyzed in the Literature Review.
For this assignment, five articles are required, but you may add more articles to the rubric if needed:
Data Collection and Analysis Rubric
APA 6th Edition Reference and Citation & Permalink (GCU Library permanent link):
McManus, M. E., & Suizzo, M. A. (2021). What Do Mothers Experiencing Poverty Need to Support Their Young Children?
Parent, School, and Policy Perspectives. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 38, 239-254. https://eds-a-ebscohost-
Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Wyatt, K., Byng, R., Coombes, K., Finch, J., ... & Stuteley, H. (2020). An engaged approach to
exploring issues around poverty and mental health: A reflective evaluation of the research process from researchers and
community partners involved in the DeStress study. Health Expectations. https://eds-a-ebscohost-
Romano, M., Eugenio, J., & Kiratzis, E. (2021). Coaching Childcare Providers to Support Toddlers' Gesture Use With Children
Experiencing Early Childhood Poverty. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 52(2), 686-701. https://eds-a-

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Limanli, Ö. (2021). Estimating Poverty Transitions in Turkey Using Repeated Cross-Sectional Data. Ege Academic Review,
21(2), 81-91.
Xiao, Y., Wu, H., Wang, G., & Mei, H. (2021). Mapping the Worldwide Trends on Energy Poverty Research: A Bibliometric
Analysis (19992019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1764. https://eds-a-ebscohost-
Article 1:
Write a 20-30 word response to the following prompt:
Provide the study sample size and description for this article: A sample size of 14 from the mothers, teachers, school, administrators, policy
makers, community members, and district officials are drawn study the mothers’ needs on the children’s wellbeing and education.
Write a 50-75-words response to the following question: What type(s) of data collection method was used? What type(s) of data analysis
was used? The study used semi-structured and one-on-one interviews. The researchers developed interview protocols for the participants
and ensured the interview lasted between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The ground theory formed the basis of data analysis.
With the participants identified using open coding, the study used a comparative analysis between the groups based on axial coding. The
comparison facilitated the activity.
Write a 50-75 word response to the following prompt:
Briefly summarize the findings.
The study established that the needs identified by the mothers as vital were totally different from the needs identified by the people in power
positions. Secondly, the study established that some similar needs were common to the actors and the mothers in position. Lastly, the study
established that all the actors in the positions of power identified the mothers’ needs that were aligned with what the mothers had identified.
Article 2:
Write a 20-30 word response to the following prompt:
Provide the study sample size and description for this article:
The study incorporated a sample size of 9 “to explore and articulate the whether and how an engaged research approach facilitated
knowledge coproduction relating to poverty and mental distress.”

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SOC-480 Data Collection and Analysis Rubric In this section of the assignment, you will analyze existing data to support your research question and hypothesis. Use Table 12.3 in the textbook to assist you with completing this assignment. Remember, you are looking for a gap in services provided and a project/program solution as to how your proposal will fill that gap in services. You will need to analyze the data you collected by using this worksheet. Use the five articles you analyzed in the Literature Review. For this assignment, five articles are required, but you may add more articles to the rubric if needed: Data Collection and Analysis Rubric APA 6th Edition Reference and Citation & Permalink (GCU Library permanent link): Article McManus, M. E., & Suizzo, M. A. (2021). What Do Mothers Experiencing Poverty Need to Support Their Young Children? 1 Parent, School, and Policy Perspectives. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 38, 239-254. Article Thomas, F., Hansford, L., Wyatt, K., Byng, R., Coombes, K., Finch, J., ... & Stuteley, H. (2020). An engaged approach to 2 exploring issues around poverty and mental health: A reflective evaluation of the research process from researchers and community partners involved in the DeStress study. Health Expectations. https://eds-a-ebscohostc ...
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