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Arizona State University
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Discrimination on Aged and Youth
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Discrimination on Aged and Youth
Workplace age discrimination continues to be an issue. People in their 20s and 70s were
more likely than those in their 30s and 40s to be discriminated against. People in their forties and
fifties are seen to be nicer, have higher moral standards, and be more capable than their younger
and older colleagues. A 70-year-old employer was deemed 'undesirable' by three times as many
individuals as having a 30-year-old supervisor. When people are only considered for a new job
or promotion provided their 'face fits,' age-related injustice is especially severe. Persons in their
40s were regarded as having the highest status, while people over 70 were regarded as having a
greater status than those in their 20s on average.
This type of discrimination, in which the youthful generation is viewed as inept in
positions of power in the workplace, has resulted in higher unemployment and dependence rates
in many nations. Due to their increased idleness, the youngsters have also engaged in criminal
activities. The elderly are chosen for high-level positions because youths are believed to be
corrupt, which may not be the case. After all, exceptional skills that may contribute to improved
organizational performance are underutilized.
When it comes to prejudice, the youth and the elderly have a lot in common. To
undertake some tiresome tasks, the elderly are frequently seen as unable. Youths are also
believed to lack necessary skills, resulting in hiring middle-aged persons who are active and
thought to have relevant experience (Keirns et al., 2016). In a developed country, the young and
the elderly are criticized for not sustaining the community's socio-cultural beliefs. Youths are
viewed as ignoring the nature of society, while the elderly are seen as abandoning it.

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1 Discrimination on Aged and Youth Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Course Due Date 2 Discrimination on Aged and Youth Workplace age discrimination continues to be an issue. People in their 20s and 70s were more likely than those in their 30s and 40s to be discriminated against. People in their forties and fifties are seen to be nicer, have higher moral standards, and be more capable than their younger and older colleagues. A 70-year-old employer was deemed 'undesirable' by three times as many individuals as having a 30-year-old supervisor. When people are only considered for a new job or promotion provided their 'face fits,' age-related injustice is especially severe. Persons in their 40s were regarded as having the highest status, while people over 70 were regarded as having a greater status than those in their 20s on average. This type of discrimination, ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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