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Test bank for davis advantage for pathophysiology 2nd edition by capriotti

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DAVIS ADVANTAGE FOR PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 2ND EDITION CAPRIOTTI TEST BANK Chapter 1, The Cell in Health and Illness Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. Which statement regarding the sodium–potassium pump is correct? 1. The cell’s plasma membrane is more soluble to sodium ions than potassium ions. 2. The concentration of sodium ions should be higher inside the cell compartment. 3. The concentration of potassium ions should be higher outside the cell compartment. 4. The active transport involves pumping out three sodium ions and pumping in two potassium ions. 2. In the absence of oxygen, which cellular function creates the same amount of energy as is created in the presence of oxygen? Dissipation of pyruvic acid Initiation of the citric acid cycle Activation of acetyl-coenzyme A Creation of acidosis via lactic acid 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. How many adenosine triphosphates (ATPs) are produced in aerobic energy metabolism? 1. 2 2. 3 3. 34 NURSINGTB.COM 4. 53 4. Which cell organelles differ in their number according to the cell’s energy needs? 1. Ribosomes 2. Mitochondria 3. Ribonucleic acids 4. Deoxyribonucleic acids 5. Which option best supports the reason more energy is produced when a person is exercising? 1. Exercise causes an increase in the synthesis of protein. 2. There is an increase in the production of pyruvic acid in the cells. 3. The conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid is increased by exercise. 4. Muscle ...
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