Colombia University Archiving and Logging Data Worksheet
Module 5 ChallengeArchiving and Logging DataThis Challenge assignment is designed to solidify and demonstrate your knowledge of the following concepts and tools:Creating a tar archive that excludes a directory using the --exclude= command option.Managing backups using cron jobs.Writing bash scripts to create system resource usage reports.Performing log filtering using journalctl.Managing log file sizes using logrotate.Creating an auditing system to check for policy and file violations using auditd.Feel free to refer to the student guides and slides from this module's lessons as you work through the assignment. If you get stuck, remember that you can also use Google and man pages for more information.ScenarioFor this assignment, you will play the role of a security analyst at Credico Inc., a financial institution that offers checking, savings, and investment banking services.The company collects, processes, and maintains a large database of private financial information for both consumer and business accounts.The data is maintained on a local server.The company must comply with the Federal Trade Commission's Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA (Links to an external site.)), which requires that financial institutions explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and protect sensitive data.In an effort to mitigate network attacks and meet federal compliance, Credico Inc. developed an efficient log management program that performs:Log size management using logrotate.Log auditing with auditd to track events, record the events, detect abuse or unauthorized activity, and create custom reports.These tools, in addition to archives, backups, scripting, and task automation, contribute to a fully comprehensive log management system.You will expand and enhance this log management system by learning new tools, adding advanced features, and researching additional concepts.Lab EnvironmentTo set up your lab environment with the necessary files, complete the following steps:Log into your local virtual machine. Use the following credentials:Username: sysadminPassword: cybersecurityOpen the terminal within your Ubuntu VM by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T (Windows) or Ctrl+Options+T (Mac).Alternatively, press Windows+A (Windows) or Command+A (Mac), type "Terminal" in the search bar, and select the terminal icon (not the Xfce Terminal icon).Create a directory called Projects in your /home/sysadmin/ directory.Download the following file (you can either slack it to yourself or use the Firefox browser in your Ubuntu machine), and move it to your ~/Projects directory before you get started:TarDocs.tar (Links to an external site.)InstructionsAs you solve each of the following steps, fill out the Module 5 Challenge Submission File (Links to an external site.) (remember to make a copy of this document before filling it out). This will be your Challenge deliverable.In each of the following sections, you will use and build on your system administration tools and knowledge. Make sure to read the instructions carefully.Step 1: Create, Extract, Compress, and Manage tar Backup ArchivesCreating tar archives is something you must do every day in your role at Credico Inc. In this section, you will extract and exclude specific files and directories to help speed up your workflow.To get started, navigate to the ~/Projects directory, where your downloaded TarDocs.tar archive file should be.Extract the TarDocs.tar archive file into the current directory (~/Projects). Then, list the directory's contents with ls to verify that you have extracted the archive properly.Note that because you want to preserve the directory structure of our archive, you do not have to specify a target directory to extract to.Note that when you run ls, you should see a new ~/Projects/TarDocs directory with five new subdirectories under TarDocs/.Verify that there is a Java subdirectory in the TarDocs/Documents folder by running ls -l ~/Projects/TarDocs/Documents/.Create a tar archive called Javaless_Docs.tar that excludes the Java directory from the newly extracted TarDocs/Document/ directory.If you've executed this command properly, you should have a Javaless_Docs.tar archive in the ~/Projects folder.Verify that this new Javaless_Docs.tar archive does not contain the Java subdirectory by using tar to list the contents of Javaless_Docs.tar and then piping grep to search for Java.BonusCreate an incremental archive called logs_backup.tar.gz that contains only changed files by examining the snapshot.file for the /var/log directory. You will need sudo for this command.Step 2: Create, Manage, and Automate Cron JobsIn response to a ransomware attack, you have been tasked with creating an archiving and backup scheme to mitigate against CryptoLocker malware. This attack would encrypt the entire server’s hard disk and can only be unlocked using a 256-bit digital key after a Bitcoin payment is delivered.For this task, you'll need to create an archiving cron job using the following specifications:This cron job should create an archive of the following file: /var/log/auth.log.The filename and location of the archive should be: /auth_backup.tgz.The archiving process should be scheduled to run every Wednesday at 6 a.m.Use the correct archiving zip option to compress the archive using gzip.To get started creating cron jobs, run the command crontab -e. Make sure that your cron job line includes the following:The schedule (minute, hour, etc.) in cron format. > Hint: Refer to the helpful site (Links to an external site.) as needed.An archive (tar) command with three options.The path to save the archive to.The path of the file to archive.Step 3: Write Basic Bash ScriptsPortions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act require organizations to maintain a regular backup regimen for the safe and secure storage of financial data.You'll first need to set up multiple backup directories. Each directory will be dedicated to housing text files that you will create with different kinds of system information.For example, the directory freemem will store free memory system information files.Using brace expansion, create the following four directories:~/backups/freemem~/backups/diskuse~/backups/openlist~/backups/freediskNOTE: Remember that brace expansion uses the following format: ~/exampledirectory/{subdirectory1,subdirectory2,etc}Now, you will create a script that will execute various Linux tools to parse information about the system. Each of these tools should output results to a text file inside its respective system information directory.For example: cpu_usage_tool > ~/backups/cpuuse/cpu_usage.txtIn the previous example, the cpu_usage_tool command will output CPU usage information into a cpu_usage.txt file.To get started with setting up your script up in your home directory, do the following:Navigate to your home directory by running: cd ~/Run the command nano to open a new Nano window.NOTE If you're unsure how to get started, we included a starter file. Use that as a guide.Edit the script file so that it that does the following:Prints the amount of free memory on the system and saves it to ~/backups/freemem/free_mem.txt.Prints disk usage and saves it to ~/backups/diskuse/disk_usage.txt.Lists all open files and saves it to ~/backups/openlist/open_list.txt.Prints file system disk space statistics and saves it to ~/backups/freedisk/free_disk.txt.NOTE For the free memory, disk usage, and free disk commands, make sure you use the -h option to make the output human-readable.Save this file, and make sure to change or modify the file permissions so that it is executable.You should now have an executable file within your home ~/ directory.Test the script with sudo ./ If it appears, ignore the warning lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1001/gvfs Output information may be incomplete..OptionalConfirm that the script ran properly by navigating to any of subdirectories in the ~/backup/ directory and using cat <filename> to view the contents of the backup files.BonusAutomate your script by adding it to the weekly system-wide cron directory.Step 4. Manage Log File SizesYou realize that the spam messages are making the size of the log files unmanageable.You’ve decided to implement log rotation in order to preserve log entries and keep log file sizes more manageable. You’ve also chosen to compress logs during rotation to preserve disk space and lower costs.Run sudo nano /etc/logrotate.conf to edit the logrotate config file. You don't need to work out of any specific directory, as you are using the full configuration file path.Configure a log rotation scheme that backs up authentication messages to the /var/log/auth.log directory using the following settings:Rotates weekly.Rotates only the seven most recent logs.Does not rotate empty logs.Delays compression.Skips error messages for missing logs and continues to next log.Don't forget to surround your rotation rules with curly braces {}.Bonus: Check for Policy and File ViolationsIn an effort to help mitigate against future attacks, you have decided to create an event monitoring system that specifically generates reports whenever new accounts are created or modified, and when any modifications are made to authorization logs.Verify the auditd service is active using the systemctl command.Run sudo nano /etc/audit/auditd.conf to edit the auditd config file using the following parameters. You can run this command from anywhere using the terminal.Number of retained logs is 7.Maximum log file size is 35.Next, run sudo nano /etc/audit/rules.d/audit.rules to edit the rules for auditd. Create rules that watch the following paths:For /etc/shadow, set wra for the permissions to monitor and set the keyname for this rule to hashpass_audit.For /etc/passwd, set wra for the permissions to monitor and set the keyname for this rule to userpass_audit.For /var/log/auth.log, set wra for the permissions to monitor and set the keyname for this rule to authlog_audit.Restart the auditd daemon.Perform a listing that reveals all existing auditd rules.NOTEIf you're unsure how to construct these rules, refer to the auditd section within the 5.3 Student Guide.Using sudo, produce an audit report that returns results for all user authentications.NOTEYou will need to log out and back in to populate the report.Now you will shift into hacker mode. Create a user with sudo useradd attacker and produce an audit report that lists account modifications.Use auditctl to add another rule that watches the /var/log/cron directory.Perform a listing that reveals changes to the auditd rules took affect.Bonus (Research Activity): Perform Various Log Filtering TechniquesThere was a suspicious login from a host on the network during the early morning hours when the office was closed. The senior security manager tasked you with filtering through log files to determine whether a system breach occurred.For the bonus, write the journactl commands for each of the following use cases.