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2 efffects of war

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Effects of War on Children
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War is one of the worst things that man ever brought upon himself. The never-ending
cycle of war across the world has become a calamity that is near impossible to eradicate. Despite
war being brought about by the greed of the leaders in power, it is the defenseless children that
end up suffering the greatest pain. In the face of war, children stand to lose the most, be it family,
homes, health and even themselves in the worst cases. The aftermath of war has brought about a
lot of disturbed children who have ended up paying for mistakes they know nothing about. The
articles below talk about some of the challenges children across the globe have through due to
Albertyn, R., Bickler, S. W., Van As, A. B., Millar, A. J. W., & Rode, H. (2003). The
effects of war on children in Africa. Pediatric surgery international, 19(4), 227-232
The article is a detailed description that talks about how war in Africa has largely
affected the health of children in the areas suffering from wars. The article gives suggestions to
ways the health system might be able to well help the affected children during or after wars. This
article would be used by medical researchers who are looking for ways to assist children in
affected areas. After any way children are affected in so many different ways and the article
helps those seeking to help know exactly which areas they need to focus on.
Werner, E. E. (2012). Children and war: Risk, resilience, and recovery. Development and
psychopathology, 24(2), 553-558.

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Running Head: EFFECTS OF WAR ON CHILDREN Effects of War on Children Student’s Name Institution Affiliation EFFECTS OF WAR ON CHILDREN 2 War is one of the worst things that man ever brought upon himself. The never-ending cycle of war across the world has become a calamity that is near impossible to eradicate. Despite war being brought about by the greed of the leaders in power, it is the defenseless children that end up suffering the greatest pain. In the face of war, children stand to lose the most, be it family, homes, health and even themselves in the worst cases. The aftermath of war has brought about a lot of disturbed children who have ended up paying for mistakes they know nothing about. The articles below talk about some of the challenges children across the globe have through due to war. Albertyn, R., Bickler, S. W., Van As, A. B., Millar, A. J. W., & Rode, H. (2003). The effects of war on children in Africa. Pediatric surgery international, 19(4), 227-232 The article is a detailed description that talks about how war in Africa has largely affected the health of children in the areas suffering from wars. The article gives suggestions to ways the health system might ...
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