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Personal Finance Issues Case Scenarios

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Case Study
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1. Norman went to D-mart Man's Boutique to buy some clothes. He picked up several shirts, trousers and
ties from the shelves. While heading to the cashier, he realized that his wallet was left at home. He slowly
got out from the queue and put back the items on the shelves. The supervisor who saw Norman doing
that, stopped him and saying that he must pay.
2.There was an advertisement :
'Semi-D house for sale. RM 175,600.Price negotiable. Contact Rajoo for further enquiries'
Samad contacted Rajoo and asking for reduced price, RM170,000. Rajoo refused to accept the price.
Samad later agreed to buy the house with the price RM175,600. Rajoo then refused to sell it to Samad.
3. Dong, Ding and Dang were the security guards who worked with Syarikat Kawalan Sinar Selamat (SKSS).
On their way to deposit money in the ATM machine, Dong escaped with one box of the money. Ding and
Dang immediately contacted their employer, SKSS. SKSS directed them to bring the other boxes of money
to the nearest police station. SKSS promised to pay Dong’s salary to them if they proceed to the police
station with the money safely. After having done with the work as directed, SKSS refused to pay as
promised. Advise Ding and Dang.
4. Jay made an agreement with his wife Joy that he would purchase for her a house in London. Jay later
went bankrupt and failed to fulfill his promise. Joy wanted to claim in the court. Advise Jay and support
your answer with one relevant case.
5. Mala owed Rm30,000 from Dali for her business purpose. When the time for paying the debt was
due, Mala was unable to pay. However, Mala’s son, Mali contacted Dali and offered to pay Rm15,000 as
full settlement of his mother’s debt. Dali later accepted the money. A week after, Dali claimed the
balance of RM15,000 from Mala. Advise Mala.

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1. Norman went to D-mart Man's Boutique to buy some clothes. He picked up several shirts, trousers and ties from the shelves. While heading to the cashier, he realized that his wallet was left at home. He slowly got out from the queue and put back the items on the shelves. The supervisor who saw Nor ...
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