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PSY 101 That’s your Perception Essay

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Liberty University
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That’s your Perception Essay
Chelsea Villanueva
Social Work, Liberty University
PSY 101-B16: Psychology
Elizabeth Debolt
February 8, 2021

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That’s your Perception Essay
Perception is a complex concept of interpretation that varies from person to person,
which makes a unique quality that diversifies people from all around the world. There are several
factors, key differences in perception, and reflections that challenge reality when it comes to
these interpretations.
Factors that create differences in perception from person to person, maybe interests,
culture, backgrounds, and worldviews. Everyone has a history of experiences during childhood
all the way to adulthood which leads to different tastes in activities, hobbies, and even music.
When it comes to Cultures you get plenty of ideas of each one and you can see from your own
perspective the way of their beliefs, traditions, and lifestyle. Backgrounds are not so far from the
Culture aspect aside from personal life experiences, history, and influences which place a part in
the establishment of Perception. In addition, these factors are the product of a world full of many
different versions of personal reality.
Furthermore, a lot of the time a person's environment can influence what can be
perceived as a personal reality. It is possible for a person to become a product of their
environment due to certain practices and mentalities. According to the introduction to the
psychology textbook (George et al, 2020), the environment is a crucial requirement for a person's
personal stimuli and sensations which are derived through everyday experience. Therefore all
factors established are the indicating differences that influence a person's version of reality.
Through experience, it is possible to have some sort of reasoning sensation and view to what can
be categorized as mental diversity. This allows all people to have a variety of different opinions
and perspectives while having a unique outlook can also breed a wide range of challenges.
Ultimately, I am confident that our unique perceptions reflect our reality hence our own

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1 That’s your Perception Essay Chelsea Villanueva Social Work, Liberty University PSY 101-B16: Psychology Elizabeth Debolt February 8, 2021 2 That’s your Perception Essay Perception is a complex concept of interpretation that varies from person to person, which makes a unique quality that diversifies people from all around the world. There are several factors, key differences in perception, and reflections that challenge reality when it comes to these interpretations. Factors that create differences in perception from person to person, maybe interests, culture, backgrounds, and worldviews. Everyone has a history of experiences during childhood all the way to adulthood which leads to different tastes in activities, hobbies, and even music. When it comes to Cultures you get plenty of ideas of each one and you can see from your own perspective the way of their beliefs, traditions, and lifestyle. Backgrounds are not so far from the Culture aspect aside from personal life experiences, history, and influences which place a part in the establishment of Perception. In addition, these factors are the product of a world full of many different versions of personal reality. Furthermore ...
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