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Suhyla Yesterday, 08:38 CHAPTER 26 Mucormycosis is an acute opportunistic infection caused by several fungi belonging to phylum Glomeromycota. These saprotrophic fungi are found ubiquitously in the soil and environment. In the past, these used to be tradition ally considered as non-pathogenic to man and animals. They used to be rather treated as fungal contaminants in the diagnostic microbiology laboratory. But the under mucomycetes bas entirely changed as Mucormycosis ●●● mucormycosis, which is further sub-divided into two types Le conidiobolomycosis and basidiobolomycosis. fo As there are fungi in same mucormycetes class, which produce syndromes quite different from those by members of sub-phylum Mucoromycotina and thus some workers prefer more restrictive designation, mucormycosis, as an appropriate term. However, due to changes in taxonomy and expanded range of etiological agents, term mucormy- dhe preferred over old but still frequently used ...
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