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Hi Samuel Ziegler

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Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
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Hi Samuel Ziegler,
I agree with you that some fallacies are so common that they are likely to be found in
politicians’ speech. Some of the fallacies in the videos were given other names rather than how
we named them in class. Lack of proper skills and understanding makes it difficult for an
average person detects informal fallacies with ease.
Hi Sara Yousif,
The videos were loaded with fallacies that were easy (example, fallacy to manipulate )
and not easy (example, black or white fallacy) to locate. The two videos included the straw man
fallacy, which is a common fallacy not discussed in class. Lack of proper attention makes it
difficult for the average person to understand the prevalence and power of fallacies.

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Hi Samuel Ziegler, I agree with you that some fallacies are so common that they are likely to be found in politicians’ speech. Some of the fallacies in the videos were given other names rather than how we named them in class. Lack of proper skills and understanding makes it difficult for an averag ...
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